command/zw_request library


nextSequenceNumber int
no setter
nextTestSequenceNumber int
no setter


appendCrc(List<int> data) → void
Calculate and append checksum
buildAsciiChars(String text) Iterable<int>
buildFunctMessage(int frameType, int functId, List<int>? functParam) List<int>
Return data for a zwave function message
buildFunctRequest(int functId, [List<int>? functParam]) List<int>
Return message data for a zwave function request
buildFunctResponse(int functId, [List<int>? functParam]) List<int>
Return message data for a zwave function response
buildSendDataMessage(int frameType, int nodeId, List<int> cmdData, {TransmitOptions transmitOptions = TransmitOptions.normal}) List<int>
Return message data for a zwave send data command message where nodeID the destination node or 0xFF for broadcast.
buildSendDataRequest(int nodeId, List<int> cmdData, {TransmitOptions transmitOptions = TransmitOptions.normal}) List<int>
Return message data for a zwave send data command request where nodeID the destination node or 0xFF for broadcast.
buildSendDataResponse(int nodeId, List<int> cmdData, {TransmitOptions transmitOptions = TransmitOptions.normal}) List<int>
Return message data for a zwave send data command response where nodeID the destination node or 0xFF for broadcast.