setRoomMembersAttributes abstract method

Future<ZIMRoomMembersAttributesOperatedResult> setRoomMembersAttributes(
  1. Map<String, String> attributes,
  2. List<String> userIDs,
  3. String roomID,
  4. ZIMRoomMemberAttributesSetConfig config,

Supported Versions: 2.4.0 and above.

Detail description: Call this API to set room user properties of members in the room.

Business scenario: If you need to set a level for members in the room, you can use this interface to set a state.

Default: ZIMRoomMemberAttributesSetConfig Default constructor isDeleteAfterOwnerLeft is true.

Call timing/Notification timing: After logging in and calling in the relevant room.

Usage limit: background limit, default 20

Related interfaces: queryRoomMembersAttributes, queryRoomMemberAttributesList. attributes Room member attributes to be set. userIDs A list of userIDs to set. roomID Room ID. config Behavior configuration of the operation.


Future<ZIMRoomMembersAttributesOperatedResult> setRoomMembersAttributes(
    Map<String, String> attributes,
    List<String> userIDs,
    String roomID,
    ZIMRoomMemberAttributesSetConfig config);