queryRoomMembersAttributes abstract method

Future<ZIMRoomMembersAttributesQueriedResult> queryRoomMembersAttributes(
  1. List<String> userIDs,
  2. String roomID

Available since:2.4.0 or later.

Description:Call this API to batch query the room user attributes of the members in the room.

Use cases:Use this interface when you need to specify that you want to query some room users.

Restrictions:The maximum call frequency is 5 times within 30 seconds by default, and the maximum query time is 100 people.

Related APIs: setRoomMembersAttributesqueryRoomMemberAttributesList

Runtime lifecycle: It is available after logging in and joining the corresponding room, but unavailable after leaving the corresponding room.

userIDs A list of userIDs to query. roomID Room ID.


Future<ZIMRoomMembersAttributesQueriedResult> queryRoomMembersAttributes(
    List<String> userIDs, String roomID);