Migration_v3.x topic

This document aims to help users understand the APIs changes and feature improvements, and provide a migration guide for the upgrade process.

It is an incompatible change if marked with breaking changes. All remaining changes is compatible and uses the deprecated prompt. Of course, it will also be completely abandoned in the version after a certain period of time.

You can run this command in the root directory of your project to output warnings and partial error prompts to assist you in finding deprecated parameters/functions or errors after upgrading.

dart analyze | grep zego


  • 3.7.4 (💥 breaking changes)
  • 3.1.1 (💥 breaking changes)
  • 3.0 (💥 breaking changes)



In this migration guide, we will explain how to upgrade from version 3.7.3 to the latest 3.7.4 version.

Major Interface Changes

  • ZegoInRoomMessage: The type of messageID is changed from int to String.



In this migration guide, we will explain how to upgrade from version 3.1.0 to the latest 3.1.1 version.

Major Interface Changes


  • rename parameters in construtor (💥 breaking changes)
Compatibility Guide

Modify your code based on the following guidelines to make it compatible with version 3.1.1:

3.1.0 Version Code:

   messageConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomInRoomMessageConfig(...), 
   effectConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioEffectConfig(...), 
   mediaPlayerConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomMediaPlayerConfig(...), 
   backgroundMediaConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomBackgroundMediaConfig(...), 

3.1.1 Version Code:

/// Example code in version 3.0

   message: ZegoLiveAudioRoomInRoomMessageConfig(...), 
   effect: ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioEffectConfig(...), 
   mediaPlayer: ZegoLiveAudioRoomMediaPlayerConfig(...), 
   backgroundMedia: ZegoLiveAudioRoomBackgroundMediaConfig(...), 


The 3.0 version has standardized and optimized the API and Event, simplifying the usage of most APIs.

Most of the changes involve modifications to the calling path, such as changing from ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomController().isMinimizing() to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomController().minimize.isMinimizing.

After upgrading the live audio room kit, you can refer to the directory index to see how specific APIs from the old version can be migrated to the new version.


In this migration guide, we will explain how to upgrade from version 2.x to the latest 3.0 version.

Major Interface Changes


  • remove controller (💥 breaking changes)
  • add events(ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents) (💥 breaking changes)
  • rename parameters in construtor (💥 breaking changes)
Compatibility Guide

Modify your code based on the following guidelines to make it compatible with version 3.0:

2.x Version Code:

   seatConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatConfig(...), 
   topMenuBarConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomTopMenuBarConfig(...), 
   bottomMenuBarConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomBottomMenuBarConfig(...), 
   layoutConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomLayoutConfig(...), 
   messageConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomInRoomMessageConfig(...), 
   memberListConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomMemberListConfig(...), 
   effectConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioEffectConfig(...), 
   durationConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomLiveDurationConfig(...), 
   mediaPlayerConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomMediaPlayerConfig(...), 
   backgroundMediaConfig: ZegoLiveAudioRoomBackgroundMediaConfig(...), 

3.0 Version Code:

/// Example code in version 3.0

   seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatConfig(...), 
   topMenuBar: ZegoLiveAudioRoomTopMenuBarConfig(...), 
   bottomMenuBar: ZegoLiveAudioRoomBottomMenuBarConfig(...), 
   layout: ZegoLiveAudioRoomLayoutConfig(...), 
   message: ZegoLiveAudioRoomInRoomMessageConfig(...), 
   memberList: ZegoLiveAudioRoomMemberListConfig(...), 
   effect: ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioEffectConfig(...), 
   duration: ZegoLiveAudioRoomLiveDurationConfig(...), 
   mediaPlayer: ZegoLiveAudioRoomMediaPlayerConfig(...), 
   backgroundMedia: ZegoLiveAudioRoomBackgroundMediaConfig(...), 


we have categorized the APIs according to functional modules, the API calling path looks like ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomController().module.function()

  • move turnMicrophoneOn to audioVideo.microphone.turnOn
  • seat
    • move localIsAHost to seat.localIsHost
    • move localIsAAudience to seat.localIsAudience
    • move localIsCoHost to seat.localIsCoHost
    • move localHasHostPermissions to seat.localHasHostPermissions
    • move getSeatsUserMapNotifier to seat.seatsUserMapNotifier
    • move openSeats to seat.openSeats
    • move closeSeats to seat.host.close
    • move removeSpeakerFromSeat to seat.host.removeSpeaker
    • move acceptSeatTakingRequest to seat.host.acceptTakingRequest
    • move rejectSeatTakingRequest to seat.host.rejectTakingRequest
    • move inviteAudienceToTakeSeat to seat.host.inviteToTake
    • move leaveSeat to seat.speaker.leave
    • move takeSeat to seat.audience.take
    • move applyToTakeSeat to seat.audience.applyToTake
    • move cancelSeatTakingRequest to seat.audience.cancelTakingRequest
    • move acceptHostTakeSeatInvitation to seat.audience.acceptTakingInvitation
  • media
    • move getVolume to volume
    • move getTotalDuration to totalDuration
    • move getCurrentProgress to currentProgress
    • move getType to type
    • move getVolumeNotifier to volumeNotifier
    • move getCurrentProgressNotifier to currentProgressNotifier
    • move getPlayStateNotifier to playStateNotifier
    • move getMediaTypeNotifier to typeNotifier
    • move getMediaInfo to info


class Name

  • rename ZegoInnerText to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomInnerText
  • rename ZegoMenuBarButtonName to ZegoLiveAudioRoomMenuBarButtonName
  • rename ZegoDialogInfo to ZegoLiveAudioRoomDialogInfo
  • rename ZegoTopMenuBarConfig to ZegoLiveAudioRoomTopMenuBarConfig
  • rename ZegoBottomMenuBarConfig to ZegoLiveAudioRoomBottomMenuBarConfig
  • rename ZegoInRoomMessageConfig to ZegoLiveAudioRoomInRoomMessageConfig
  • rename ZegoMemberListConfig to ZegoLiveAudioRoomMemberListConfig
  • rename ZegoAudioEffectConfig to ZegoLiveAudioRoomAudioEffectConfig
  • rename ZegoLiveDurationConfig to ZegoLiveAudioRoomLiveDurationConfig
  • rename ZegoMediaPlayerConfig to ZegoLiveAudioRoomMediaPlayerConfig
  • rename ZegoBackgroundMediaConfig to ZegoLiveAudioRoomBackgroundMediaConfig

variable name

  • rename topMenuBarConfig to topMenuBar
  • rename bottomMenuBarConfig to bottomMenuBar
  • rename inRoomMessageConfig to inRoomMessage
  • rename memberListConfig to memberList
  • rename audioEffectConfig to audioEffect
  • rename durationConfig to duration
  • rename mediaPlayerConfig to mediaPlayer
  • rename backgroundMediaConfig to backgroundMedia
  • seat
    • move takeSeatIndexWhenJoining to seat
    • move closeSeatsWhenJoining to seat
    • move hostSeatIndexes to seat
    • move layoutConfig to seat.layout

event (move event to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents) (💥 breaking changes)

  • move onError to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents
  • move onLeaveConfirmation to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents
  • move onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.audioVideo
  • move onMemberListMoreButtonPressed to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.memberList and rename onMoreButtonPressed
  • move onUserCountOrPropertyChanged to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.user and rename onCountOrPropertyChanged
  • ZegoInRoomMessageConfig
    • move onMessageClick to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.memberList and rename onClicked
    • move onMessageLongPress to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.memberList and rename onLongPress
  • ZegoMemberListConfig
    • move onClicked to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.memberList
  • ZegoLiveDurationConfig
    • move onDurationUpdate to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.duration and rename onUpdated
Compatibility Guide

Modify your code based on the following guidelines to make it compatible with version 3.0:

2.x Version Code:

/// Example code in version 2.x

  config: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomConfig()
    ..onLeaveConfirmation = (context) {
    ..onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation = (context) async {
      return true;
    ..onUserCountOrPropertyChanged = (users) {
    ..onMemberListMoreButtonPressed = (user) {
    ..memberListConfig.onClicked = (user) {
    ..inRoomMessageConfig.onMessageClick = (message) {
    ..inRoomMessageConfig.onMessageLongPress = (message) {
    ..durationConfig.onDurationUpdate = (duration) {

3.0 Version Code:

/// Example code in version 3.0

    events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      onLeaveConfirmation: (
        ZegoLiveAudioRoomLeaveConfirmationEvent event,
        /// defaultAction to return to the previous page
        Future<bool> Function() defaultAction,
      ) {
        debugPrint('onLeaveConfirmation, do whatever you want');
        /// you can call this defaultAction to return to the previous page,
        return defaultAction.call();
      audioVideo: ZegoLiveAudioRoomRoomEvents(
        onMicrophoneTurnOnByOthersConfirmation: (context){

      user: ZegoLiveAudioRoomUserEvents(
        //  onUserCountOrPropertyChanged
        onCountOrPropertyChanged: (context){

      memberList: ZegoLiveAudioRoomMemberListEvents(
        onClicked: (user){

        //  onMemberListMoreButtonPressed
        onMoreButtonPressed: (user){

      inRoomMessage: ZegoLiveAudioRoomInRoomMessageEvents(
        onClicked: (message){

        onLongPress: (message){

      duration: ZegoLiveAudioRoomDurationEvents(
        onUpdated: (duration){


  • seat (💥 breaking changes)
    • move onSeatClosed to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat and rename onClosed
    • move onSeatsOpened to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat and rename onOpened
    • move onSeatClicked to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat and rename onClicked
    • move onSeatsChanged to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat and rename onChanged
    • host
      • move onSeatTakingRequested to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat.host and rename onTakingRequested
      • move onSeatTakingRequestCanceled to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat.host and rename onTakingRequestCanceled
      • move onInviteAudienceToTakeSeatFailed to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat.host and rename onTakingInvitationFailed
      • move onSeatTakingInviteRejected to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat.host and rename onTakingInvitationRejected, and add a ZegoUIKitUser audience parameter which mean who reject
    • audience
      • move onSeatTakingRequestFailed to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat.audience and rename onTakingRequestFailed
      • move onSeatTakingRequestRejected to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat.audience and rename onTakingRequestRejected
      • move onHostSeatTakingInviteSent to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.seat.audience and rename onTakingInvitationReceived
Compatibility Guide

Modify your code based on the following guidelines to make it compatible with version 3.0:

2.x Version Code:

/// Example code in version 2.x

  config: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomConfig()
    ..onSeatClosed = () {
    ..onSeatsOpened = () {
    ..onSeatClicked = (int index, ZegoUIKitUser? user) {
    ..onSeatsChanged = (Map<int, ZegoUIKitUser> takenSeats, List<int> untakenSeats) {
    ..onSeatTakingRequested = (audience) {
    ..onSeatTakingRequestCanceled = (audience) {
    ..onInviteAudienceToTakeSeatFailed = () {
    ..onSeatTakingInviteRejected = () {
    ..onSeatTakingRequestFailed = () {
    ..onSeatTakingRequestRejected = () {
    ..onHostSeatTakingInviteSent = () {

3.0 Version Code:

/// Example code in version 3.0

    events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      seat: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatEvents(
        onClosed: (){

        onOpened: (){

        onClicked: (int index, ZegoUIKitUser? user){

        onChanged: (Map<int, ZegoUIKitUser> takenSeats, List<int> untakenSeats){

        host: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatHostEvents(
           onTakingRequested: (audience){
           onTakingRequestCanceled: (audience){
           onTakingInvitationFailed: (){
           onTakingInvitationRejected: (audience){
        audience: ZegoLiveAudioRoomSeatAudienceEvents(
           onTakingRequestFailed: (){
           onTakingRequestRejected: (){
           onTakingInvitationReceived: (){

  • onLeaveLiveAudioRoom/onMeRemovedFromRoom (💥 breaking changes)
    • move onLeaveLiveAudioRoom from ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomConfig to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.onEnded(ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndEvent(reason:ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndReason.localLeave), defaultAction)
    • move onMeRemovedFromRoom from ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomConfig to ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.onEnded(ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndEvent(reason:ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndReason.kickOut), defaultAction)

Due to the fact that all three events indicate the end of a live audio room, they will be consolidated into ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents.onEnded and differentiated by the ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndEvent.reason.

And you can use defaultAction.call() to perform the internal default action, which returns to the previous page.

Compatibility Guide

Modify your code based on the following guidelines to make it compatible with version 3.0:

2.x Version Code:

/// Example code in version 2.x

  config: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomConfig()
    ..onLeaveLiveAudioRoom = (isFromMinimizing) {
    ..onMeRemovedFromRoom = (fromUserID) {

3.0 Version Code:

/// Example code in version 3.0

    events: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoomEvents(
      onEnded: (
        ZegoLiveAudioRoomEndEvent event,
        /// defaultAction to return to the previous page
        Future<bool> Function() defaultAction,
      ) {
        debugPrint('onLeaveConfirmation, do whatever you want');
        /// you can call this defaultAction to return to the previous page,
        return defaultAction.call();


  • Class Name
    • rename LiveAudioRoomMiniOverlayPageState to ZegoLiveAudioRoomMiniOverlayPageState

Feedback Channels

If you encounter any issues or have any questions during the migration process, please provide feedback through the following channels:

We appreciate your feedback and are here to help you successfully complete the migration process.


ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom APIs Events Configs Components Migration_v3.x
Live Audio Room Widget. You can embed this widget into any page of your project to integrate the functionality of a audio chat room. You can refer to our documentation, or our sample code.
ZegoUIKitPrebuiltLiveAudioRoom APIs Events Configs Components Migration_v3.x
Live Audio Room Widget. You can embed this widget into any page of your project to integrate the functionality of a audio chat room. You can refer to our documentation, or our sample code.