Configs topic




  • List<ZegoCallInvitationPermission> permissions

    If you want to a pure audio call with invitation without popping up camera permission requests, you can remove the camera in permissions and set ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig turnOnCameraWhenJoining to false

      config: ZegoCallInvitationConfig(permissions: [
      requireConfig: (ZegoCallInvitationData data) {
        config.turnOnCameraWhenJoining = false;
  • bool endCallWhenInitiatorLeave

    whether the entire call should end when the initiator leaves the call

    1. will causing other participants to leave together.
    2. other participants can't enter the call anymore

    Default value is false.

    If set to false

    1. the call can continue even after the initiator leaves.
    2. other participants can enter the call after the initiator leaves.



  • bool onlyInitiatorCanInvite

    whether only the call initiator has the permission to invite others to join the call. Default value is false.

    If set to false, all participants in the call can invite others.

  • bool endCallWhenInitiatorLeave

    whether the entire call should end when the initiator leaves the call (will causing other participants to leave together). Default value is false.

    If set to false, the call can continue even after the initiator leaves.


ZegoCallPermissionConfirmDialogConfig When requests systemAlertWindows in Android, should the confirmation box pop up first? Default will pop-up a confirmation box. If not, please set it to null.

  • String? title

  • TextStyle? titleStyle

  • TextStyle? contentStyle

  • TextStyle? actionTextStyle

  • Brightness? backgroundBrightness


ZegoCallInvitationMissedCallConfig missed call config

  • bool enabled

    whether to allow popup the missed notification Default value is true.

  • bool enableDialBack

    whether to allow dial back the missed when click notification Default value is false. Please note that if allowed, it will be incompatible with versions before v4.12.0, which means mutual invitations cannot be made between the old and new versions of zego_uikit_prebuilt_call.

  • String? resourceID

    The resource id for notification which same as Zego Console

  • String? Function()? notificationTitle

    The title for the notification.

  • String? Function()? notificationMessage

    The message for the notification.

  • int timeoutSeconds

    The timeout duration in seconds for the dial back invitation.


ZegoCallRingtoneConfig online call ringtone config Note that it only works for online calls. If it is offline, please configure it in the zego console

  • String? incomingCallPath

    callee ringtone on local side, please note that the resource needs to be configured in your flutter project example: "assets/ringtone/incomingCallRingtone.mp3"

  • String? outgoingCallPath

    caller ringtone on local side, please note that the resource needs to be configured in your flutter project example: "assets/ringtone/outgoingCallRingtone.mp3"



  • bool prebuiltWithSafeArea: does ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall display with SafeArea or not

  • ZegoCallInvitationInviterUIConfig? inviter:

    • bool showAvatar: show avatar or not

    • bool showCentralName: show central name or not

    • bool showCallingText: show calling text or not

    • double? spacingBetweenAvatarAndName: spacing between avatar and name

    • double? spacingBetweenNameAndCallingText: spacing between name and calling text

    • ZegoCallingForegroundBuilder? foregroundBuilder: foreground builder

    • ZegoCallingPageBuilder? pageBuilder: It will replace the inviter/invitee's call view

    • ZegoCallingBackgroundBuilder? backgroundBuilder: background builder, default is a image

    • ZegoCallButtonUIConfig cancelButton: cancel button

      • Size? size

      • bool visible

      • Widget? icon

      • Size? iconSize

      • TextStyle? textStyle

  • ZegoCallInvitationInviteeUIConfig? invitee:

    • bool showAvatar: show avatar or not

    • bool showCentralName: show central name or not

    • bool showCallingText: show calling text or not

    • double? spacingBetweenAvatarAndName: spacing between avatar and name

    • double? spacingBetweenNameAndCallingText: spacing between name and calling text

    • ZegoCallInvitationNotifyPopUpUIConfig popUp: config of call invitation pop-up dialog

      • EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding: popup's padding

      • double? width: popup's width

      • double? height: popup's height

      • Decoration? decoration: popup's decoration

      • bool visible:

        when receiving an online call, whether to pop up the top pop-up dialog

        If you want to customize the invitation pop-up dialog, set visible to false and listen ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationEvents.onIncomingCallReceived, when you receive the invitation event, show invitation widget

        invitationEvents: ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationEvents(
          onIncomingCallReceived: (
            String callID,
            ZegoCallUser caller,
            ZegoCallInvitationType callType,
            List<ZegoCallUser> callees,
            String customData,
          ) {
          /// show your custom call notification
        uiConfig: ZegoCallInvitationUIConfig(
          popUp: ZegoCallInvitationNotifyPopUpUIConfig(
            visible: false,
      • ZegoCallInvitationNotifyDialogBuilder? builder:

        custom the top pop-up dialog which receiving an online call

        popUp: ZegoCallInvitationNotifyPopUpUIConfig(
                builder: (
                  ZegoCallInvitationData invitationData,
                ) {
                /// show your custom popup dialog,
                /// and call ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationService().accept() if you accept
                /// and call ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationService().reject() if you reject
    • ZegoCallButtonUIConfig declineButton: decline button

      • Size? size

      • bool visible

      • Widget? icon

      • Size? iconSize

      • TextStyle? textStyle

    • ZegoCallButtonUIConfig acceptButton: accept button

      • Size? size

      • bool visible

      • Widget? icon

      • Size? iconSize

      • TextStyle? textStyle

    • ZegoCallingForegroundBuilder? foregroundBuilder: foreground builder

    • ZegoCallingPageBuilder? pageBuilder: It will replace the inviter/invitee's call view

    • ZegoCallingBackgroundBuilder? backgroundBuilder: background builder, default is a image



  • ZegoCallIOSNotificationConfig? iOSNotificationConfig:

    • bool? isSandboxEnvironment: is iOS sandbox or not

    • ZegoSignalingPluginMultiCertificate certificateIndex: Corresponding certificate index configured by Zego console

    • String systemCallingIconName:

      Customizing the icon for the iOS CallKit lock screen interface

      Below, we will using the example of setting a CallKitIcon icon, to explain how to set the icon for the CallKit lock screen interface on iOS system .

      Place your icon file in the ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/ folder, with the file name CallKitIcon.imageset. When calling ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationService.init, configure the iOSNotificationConfig.systemCallingIconName parameter with the file name (without the file extension).

      such as : iOSNotificationConfig: ZegoCallIOSNotificationConfig( systemCallingIconName: 'CallKitIcon', ),

  • ZegoCallAndroidNotificationConfig? androidNotificationConfig: android notification config

    • ZegoSignalingPluginMultiCertificate certificateIndex: Corresponding certificate index configured by Zego console

    • bool callIDVisibility: specify the call id show or hide

    • bool showFullScreen:

      only for offline call, displayed in full screen or not when the screen is locked, default value is false. and THE IMPORTANT IS, if set showFullScreen to true, then you need set android:launchMode="singleInstance" in manifest/application/activity node of ${project_root} /android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    • bool fullScreenBackgroundAssetURL:

      If fullScreen is enabled, you can use this parameter to configure the background image such as fullScreenBackground: 'assets/image/call.png'

    • ZegoCallAndroidNotificationChannelConfig callChannel

      specify the channel config of call notification channelID, channelName and sound need be same in 'Zego Console'

    • ZegoCallAndroidNotificationChannelConfig messageChannel

      specify the channel config of message notification channelID, channelName and sound need be same in 'Zego Console'

    • ZegoCallAndroidNotificationChannelConfig missedCallChannel

      specify the channel config of missed call notification channelID, channelName and sound need be same in 'Zego Console'



  • String channelID: specify the channel id of notification, which is same in 'Zego Console'

  • String channelName: specify the channel name of notification, which is same in 'Zego Console'

  • String? icon: specify the icon file name id of notification, additionally, you must place your icon file in the following path: ${project_root}/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/${icon}.png

  • String? sound:

    specify the sound file name id of notification, which is same in 'Zego Console'. Additionally, you must place your audio file in the following path: ${project_root}/android/app/src/main/res/raw/${sound}.mp3

  • bool vibrate: vibrate or not




  • groupVideoCall: Default initialization parameters for the group video call.

  • groupVoiceCall: Default initialization parameters for the group voice call.

  • oneOnOneVideoCall: Default initialization parameters for the one-on-one video call

  • oneOnOneVoiceCall: Default initialization parameters for the one-on-one voice call




configuration parameters for audio and video streaming, such as Resolution, Frame rate, Bit rate. you can set by video = ZegoUIKitVideoConfig.presetXX()

  • parameters:

    • int fps: Frame rate, control the frame rate of the camera and the frame rate of the encoder.

    • int bitrate: Bit rate in kbps.

    • int width: resolution width, control the image width of camera image acquisition or encoder when publishing stream.

    • int height: resolution height, control the image height of camera image acquisition or encoder when publishing stream.

  • construtors:

    • preset180P

    • preset270P

    • preset360P

    • preset540P

    • preset720P

    • preset1080P

    • preset2K

    • preset4K



Configuration options for audio/video views.

You can use the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig.audioVideoView property to set the properties inside this class.

These options allow you to customize the display effects of the audio/video views, such as showing microphone status and usernames.

If you need to customize the foreground or background of the audio/video view, you can use foregroundBuilder and backgroundBuilder.

If you want to hide user avatars or sound waveforms in audio mode, you can set showAvatarInAudioMode and showSoundWavesInAudioMode to false.

  • ZegoCallAudioVideoContainerBuilder ? containerBuilder:

    Custom audio/video view. If you don't want to use the default view components, you can pass a custom component through this parameter.

    typedef ZegoCallAudioVideoContainerBuilder = Widget Function(
     List<ZegoUIKitUser> allUsers,
     List<ZegoUIKitUser> audioVideoUsers,
     /// The default audio-video view creator, you can also use [ZegoAudioVideoView] as a child control to continue encapsulating
     ZegoAudioVideoView Function(ZegoUIKitUser) audioVideoViewCreator,
  • Rect Function()? containerRect:

    Specify the rect of the audio & video container. If not specified, it defaults to display full.

  • bool isVideoMirror:

    Whether to mirror the displayed video captured by the camera.

    This mirroring effect only applies to the front-facing camera.

    Set it to true to enable mirroring, which flips the image horizontally.

  • bool showMicrophoneStateOnView:

    Whether to display the microphone status on the audio/video view.

    Set it to false if you don't want to show the microphone status on the audio/video view.

  • bool showCameraStateOnView:

    Whether to display the camera status on the audio/video view.

    Set it to false if you don't want to show the camera status on the audio/video view.

  • bool showUserNameOnView:

    Whether to display the username on the audio/video view.

    Set it to false if you don't want to show the username on the audio/video view.

  • bool showWaitingCallAcceptAudioVideoView:

    When inviting in calling, the invited user window will appear on the invitation side, if you don't want to show this view, set it to false.

  • ZegoAudioVideoViewForegroundBuilder? waitingCallAcceptForegroundBuilder:

    When inviting in calling, the invited user window will appear on the invitation side, and you can customize the foreground at this time.

  • ZegoAudioVideoViewForegroundBuilder? foregroundBuilder:

    You can customize the foreground of the audio/video view, which refers to the widget positioned on top of the view.

    You can return any widget, and we will place it at the top of the audio/video view.

    /// type of audio video view foreground builder
    typedef ZegoAudioVideoViewForegroundBuilder = Widget Function(
     BuildContext context,
     Size size,
     ZegoUIKitUser? user,
     Map<String, dynamic> extraInfo,
  • ZegoAudioVideoViewBackgroundBuilder? backgroundBuilder:

    Background for the audio/video windows in a call.

    You can use any widget as the background for the audio/video windows. This can be a video, a GIF animation, an image, a web page, or any other widget.

    If you need to dynamically change the background content, you should implement the logic for dynamic modification within the widget you return.

    /// type of audio video view background builder
    typedef ZegoAudioVideoViewBackgroundBuilder = Widget Function(
     BuildContext context,
     Size size,
     ZegoUIKitUser? user,
     Map<String, dynamic> extraInfo,
  • bool useVideoViewAspectFill:

    Video view mode.

    Set it to true if you want the video view to scale proportionally to fill the entire view, potentially resulting in partial cropping.

    Set it to false if you want the video view to scale proportionally, potentially resulting in black borders.

  • bool showAvatarInAudioMode:

    Whether to display user avatars in audio mode.

    Set it to false if you don't want to show user avatars in audio mode.

  • bool showSoundWavesInAudioMode:

    Whether to display sound waveforms in audio mode.

    Set it to false if you don't want to show sound waveforms in audio mode.



Configuration options for the top menu bar (toolbar). You can use these options to customize the appearance and behavior of the top menu bar.

  • bool isVisible: Whether to display the top menu bar.

  • String title: Title of the top menu bar.

  • bool hideAutomatically: Whether to automatically collapse the top menu bar after 5 seconds of inactivity.

  • bool hideByClick: Whether to collapse the top menu bar when clicking on the blank area.

  • List <ZegoCallMenuBarButtonName> buttons: Buttons displayed on the menu bar. The buttons will be arranged in the order specified in the list.

  • List<Widget> extendButtons: Extension buttons that allow you to add your own buttons to the top toolbar.: These buttons will be added to the menu bar in the specified order.: If the limit of 3 is exceeded, additional buttons will be automatically added to the overflow menu.

  • ZegoCallMenuBarStyle style: Style of the top menu bar.

  • EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding: Padding for the top menu bar.

  • EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin: Margin for the top menu bar.

  • Color? backgroundColor: Background color for the top menu bar.

  • double? height: Height for the top menu bar.



Configuration options for the bottom menu bar (toolbar). You can use these options to customize the appearance and behavior of the bottom menu bar.

  • bool isVisible: Whether to display the bottom menu bar.

  • bool hideAutomatically: Whether to automatically collapse the top menu bar after 5 seconds of inactivity.

  • bool hideByClick: Whether to collapse the top menu bar when clicking on the blank area.

  • List <ZegoCallMenuBarButtonName> buttons: Buttons displayed on the menu bar. The buttons will be arranged in the order specified in the list.

  • int maxCount:

    Controls the maximum number of buttons to be displayed in the menu bar (toolbar).

    When the number of buttons exceeds the maxCount limit, a "More" button will appear.

    Clicking on it will display a panel showing other buttons that cannot be displayed in the menu bar (toolbar).

  • ZegoCallMenuBarStyle style: Button style for the bottom menu bar.

  • EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding: Padding for the bottom menu bar.

  • EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin: Margin for the bottom menu bar.

  • Color? backgroundColor: Background color for the bottom menu bar.

  • double? height: Height for the bottom menu bar.

  • List <Widget> extendButtons:

    Extension buttons that allow you to add your own buttons to the top toolbar.

    These buttons will be added to the menu bar in the specified order.

    If the limit of maxCount is exceeded, additional buttons will be automatically added to the overflow menu.



Configuration related to the bottom member list, including displaying the member list, member list styles, and more.

  • bool showMicrophoneState: Whether to show the microphone state of the member. Defaults to true, which means it will be shown.

  • bool showCameraState:

    Whether to show the camera state of the member.

    Defaults to true, which means it will be shown.

  • ZegoMemberListItemBuilder? itemBuilder: Custom member list item view.



advance beauty config

  • List<ZegoBeautyPluginEffectsType> effectsTypes

  • ZegoBeautyPluginInnerText innerText

  • ZegoBeautyPluginUIConfig uiConfig:

    • Color? backgroundColor

    • Color? selectedIconBorderColor

    • Color? selectedIconDotColor

    • TextStyle? selectedTextStyle

    • TextStyle? normalTextStyle

    • TextStyle? sliderTextStyle

    • Color? sliderTextBackgroundColor

    • Color? sliderActiveTrackColor

    • Color? sliderInactiveTrackColor

    • Color? sliderThumbColor

    • double? sliderThumbRadius

    • Widget? backIcon

    • TextStyle? normalHeaderTitleTextStyle

    • TextStyle? selectHeaderTitleTextStyle

  • String? segmentationBackgroundImageName: backgroundPortraitSegmentation feature need use this path.

  • bool enableFaceDetection: if true, can use getFaceDetection to notify face detection.

  • ZegoBeautyPluginSegmentationScaleMode segmentationScaleMode



Call timing configuration.

  • bool isVisible: Whether to display call timing.

  • void Function(Duration)? onDurationUpdate: Call timing callback function, called every second.

    Example: Set to automatically hang up after 5 minutes.

    ..duration.isVisible = true
    ..duration.onDurationUpdate = (Duration duration) {
     if (duration.inSeconds >= 5 * 60) {



Configuration related to the bottom-left message list.

  • ZegoInRoomMessageItemBuilder? itemBuilder:

    Use this to customize the style and content of each chat message list item.

    For example, you can modify the background color, opacity, border radius, or add additional information like the sender's level or role.

    /// Chat message list builder for customizing the display of chat messages.
    typedef ZegoInRoomMessageItemBuilder = Widget Function(
     BuildContext context,
     ZegoInRoomMessage message,
     Map<String, dynamic> extraInfo,



  • int aspectWidth: aspect width

  • int aspectHeight: aspect height

  • bool enableWhenBackground: android: only available on SDK higher than 31(>=31)

  • ZegoCallPIPAndroidConfig android: android config

    • Widget? background: background widget, default is black



config about users.

  • ZegoCallRequiredUserConfig requiredUsers:

    Necessary user to participate in the call.

    If the participant have not joined after requiredParticipantCheckTimeoutSeconds after entering the call, the call will be triggered ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallEvents.onCallEnd with ZegoCallEndReason.abandoned

  • bool enabled: is enable detection or not

  • int detectSeconds:

    The time to start the detection, when it arrives, it will start to detect whether all members have entered the call.

    Note that this duration cannot be too short, otherwise if the remote users enters the call relatively late under poor network conditions, it will cause current call to be ended.

  • List<ZegoUIKitUser> users:

    Necessary participants to participate in the call.

    If the participant have not joined after detectSeconds after entering the call, the call will be triggered to end by ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallEvents.onCallEnd with ZegoCallEndReason.abandoned

    Usually, you DON'T need to specify. By default, in the 1v1 call scenario, we will set users as the Caller(Inviter) of the cal.

  • bool detectInDebugMode:

    Is detection of participants enabled in debugging mode?

    Due to hitting breakpoints during debugging, it is easy to cause timeout issues(checkTimeoutSeconds is timeout), which can lead to call exits



Confirmation dialog when hang up the call.

  • ZegoCallHangUpConfirmDialogInfo? info: dialog information, If not set, clicking the exit button will directly exit the call. If set, a confirmation dialog will be displayed when clicking the exit button, and you will need to confirm the exit before actually exiting.
  • TextStyle? titleStyle: title text style
  • TextStyle? contentStyle: content text style
  • TextStyle? actionTextStyle: action button text style
  • Brightness? backgroundBrightness: background brightness



Layout-related configuration. You can choose your layout here.



Use this to customize the avatar, and replace the default avatar with it.


// eg:
avatarBuilder: (BuildContext context, Size size, ZegoUIKitUser? user, Map extraInfo) {
 return user != null
     ? Container(
         decoration: BoxDecoration(
           image: DecorationImage(
             image: NetworkImage(
     : const SizedBox();

Map<String, String> advanceConfigs

Set advanced engine configuration, Used to enable advanced functions.

For details, please consult ZEGO technical support.

bool turnOnCameraWhenJoining

Whether to open the camera when joining the call.

If you want to join the call with your camera closed, set this value to false;

if you want to join the call with your camera open, set this value to true.

The default value is true.

bool turnOnMicrophoneWhenJoining

Whether to open the microphone when joining the call.

If you want to join the call with your microphone closed, set this value to false;

if you want to join the call with your microphone open, set this value to true.

The default value is true.

bool useSpeakerWhenJoining

Whether to use the speaker to play audio when joining the call.

The default value is false, but it will be set to true if the user is in a group call or video call.

If this value is set to false, the system's default playback device, such as the earpiece or Bluetooth headset, will be used for audio playback.

Widget? foreground

The foreground of the call.

If you need to nest some widgets in ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall, please use foreground nesting, otherwise these widgets will be lost when you minimize and restore the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall

Widget? background

The background of the call.

You can use any Widget as the background of the call, such as a video, a GIF animation, an image, a web page, etc.

If you need to dynamically change the background content, you will need to implement the logic for dynamic modification within the Widget you return.

..background = Container(
   width: size.width,
   height: size.height,
   decoration: const BoxDecoration(
     image: DecorationImage(
       fit: BoxFit.fitHeight,
       image: ,

bool rootNavigator

same as Flutter's Navigator's param

If rootNavigator is set to true, the state from the furthest instance of this class is given instead.

Useful for pushing contents above all subsequent instances of Navigator.


ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall APIs Events Configs Components Migration_v4.x
Call Widget. You can embed this widget into any page of your project to integrate the functionality of a call. You can refer to our documentation, or our sample code.