APIs topic


Call Widget.

You can embed this widget into any page of your project to integrate the functionality of a call.

If you need the function of call invitation, please use ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationService together.

  • function prototype:

class ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall extends StatefulWidget {
 const ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall({
   Key? key,
   required this.appID,
   required this.appSign,
   required this.callID,
   required this.userID,
   required this.userName,
   required this.config,
 }) : super(key: key);

 /// You can create a project and obtain an appID from the [ZEGOCLOUD Admin >Console](https://console.zegocloud.com).
 final int appID;

 /// You can create a project and obtain an appSign from the [ZEGOCLOUD >Admin Console](https://console.zegocloud.com).
 final String appSign;

 /// The ID of the currently logged-in user.
 /// It can be any valid string.
 /// Typically, you would use the ID from your own user system, such as >Firebase.
 final String userID;

 /// The name of the currently logged-in user.
 /// It can be any valid string.
 /// Typically, you would use the name from your own user system, such as >Firebase.
 final String userName;

 /// The ID of the call.
 /// This ID is a unique identifier for the current call, so you need to >ensure its uniqueness.
 /// It can be any valid string.
 /// Users who provide the same callID will be logged into the same room >for the call.
 final String callID;

 /// Initialize the configuration for the call.
 final ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig config;

 /// Initialize the events for the call.
 final ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallEvents? events;

 /// Callback when the page is destroyed.
 final VoidCallback? onDispose;

 final List<IZegoUIKitPlugin>? plugins;



we need a context object, to push/pop page when receive invitation request, so we need navigatorKey to get context.

  • function prototype:
void setNavigatorKey(GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navigatorKey)


  • function prototype:
bool get isInCalling


you must call this method as soon as the user login(or re-login, auto-login) to your app.

You must include ZegoUIKitSignalingPlugin in plugins to support the invitation feature.

If you need to set ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallConfig, you can do so through requireConfig. Each time the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall starts, it will request this callback to obtain the current call's config.

Additionally, you can customize the call ringtone through ringtoneConfig, and configure notifications through notificationConfig. You can also customize the invitation interface with uiConfig. If you want to modify the related text on the interface, you can set innerText. If you want to listen for events and perform custom logics, you can use invitationEvents to obtain related invitation events, and for call-related events, you need to use events.

  • function prototype:
Future<void> init({
   required int appID,
   required String appSign,
   required String userID,
   required String userName,
   required List<IZegoUIKitPlugin> plugins,
   /// call abouts.
   ZegoCallPrebuiltConfigQuery? requireConfig,
   ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallEvents? events,
   /// invitation abouts.
   ZegoCallInvitationConfig? config,
   ZegoCallRingtoneConfig? ringtoneConfig,
   ZegoCallInvitationUIConfig? uiConfig,
   ZegoCallInvitationNotificationConfig? notificationConfig,
   ZegoCallInvitationInnerText? innerText,
   ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallInvitationEvents? invitationEvents,
 }) async


must call this method as soon as the user logout from app

  • function prototype:
Future<void> uninit() async


  • function prototype:
void useSystemCallingUI(List<IZegoUIKitPlugin> plugins)


This function is used to send call invitations to one or more specified users.

You can provide a list of target users invitees and specify whether it is a video call isVideoCall. If it is not a video call, it defaults to an audio call.

You can also pass additional custom data customData to the invitees.

Additionally, you can specify the call ID callID. If not provided, the system will generate one automatically based on certain rules.

If you want to set a ringtone for offline call invitations, set resourceID to a value that matches the push resource ID in the ZEGOCLOUD management console.

You can also set the notification title notificationTitle and message notificationMessage.

If the call times out, the call will automatically hang up after the specified timeout duration timeoutSeconds (in seconds).

Note that this function behaves the same as ZegoSendCallInvitationButton.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> send({
   required List<ZegoCallUser> invitees,
   required bool isVideoCall,
   String customData = '',
   String? callID,
   String? resourceID,
   String? notificationTitle,
   String? notificationMessage,
   int timeoutSeconds = 60,
 }) async
  • example:


To cancel the invitation for callees in a call, you can include your cancellation reason using the customData.

Additionally, you can receive notifications by listening to onIncomingCallCanceled when the incoming call is canceled.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> cancel({
   required List<ZegoCallUser> callees,
   String customData = '',
 }) async
  • example:


when reject the current call invitation, you can use the customData parameter if you need to provide a reason for the rejection to the other party.

Additionally, the inviting party can receive notifications of the rejection by listening to onOutgoingCallRejectedCauseBusy or onOutgoingCallDeclined when the other party declines the call invitation.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> reject({
   String customData = '',
 }) async
  • example:


To accept the current call invitation, you can use the customData parameter if you need to provide a reason for the acceptance to the other party.

Additionally, the inviting party can receive notifications by listening to onOutgoingCallAccepted when the other party accepts the call invitation.

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> accept({
   String customData = '',
 }) async
  • example:


A singleton class, can be accessed and its APIs can be accessed using either ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallController().


This function is used to end the current call.

You can pass the context context for any necessary pop-ups or page transitions.

By using the showConfirmation parameter, you can control whether to display a confirmation dialog to confirm ending the call.

This function behaves the same as the close button in the calling interface's top right corner, and it is also affected by the onHangUpConfirmation and onHangUp settings in the config.

  • function prototype:
 Future<bool> hangUp(
   BuildContext context, {
   bool showConfirmation = false,
 }) async




This function is used to specify whether a certain user enters or exits full-screen mode during screen sharing.

You need to provide the user's ID userID to determine which user to perform the operation on.

By using a boolean value isFullscreen, you can specify whether the user enters or exits full-screen mode.

  • function prototype:
void showViewInFullscreenMode(String userID, bool isFullscreen)
  • example:



is it currently in the minimized state or not

  • example:
final isMinimizing = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallController().minimize.isMinimizing;


current state of the minimized

  • enum prototype:
/// The current state of the minimized interface can be described as follows:
/// [idle]: in a blank state, not yet minimized, or has been restored to the original Widget.
/// [calling]: in the process of being restored from the minimized state.
/// [minimizing]: in the minimized state.
enum ZegoCallMiniOverlayPageState {
  • example:
final state = ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCallController().minimize.state;


restore the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall from minimize

  • function prototype:
 bool restore(
   BuildContext context, {
   bool rootNavigator = true,
   bool withSafeArea = false,
  • example:


to minimize the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall

  • function prototype:
bool minimize(
   BuildContext context, {
   bool rootNavigator = true,
  • example:


if call ended in minimizing state, not need to navigate, just hide the minimize widget.

Note that this is not an active call end, but merely hide the minimize widget, which will not cause hang up.

  • example:




camera state of local user

  • function prototype:
bool get localState


camera state notifier of local user

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<bool> get localStateNotifier


camera state of userID

  • function prototype:
bool state(String userID)


camera state notifier of userID

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<bool> stateNotifier(String userID)


turn on/off userID camera, if userID is empty, then it refers to local user

  • function prototype:
void turnOn(bool isOn, {String? userID})


switch userID camera state, if userID is empty, then it refers to local user

  • function prototype:
void switchState({String? userID})


local use front facing camera or back

  • function prototype:
void switchFrontFacing(bool isFrontFacing)


switch video mirror mode

  • function prototype:
void switchVideoMirroring(bool isVideoMirror)



microphone state of local user

  • function prototype:
bool get localState


microphone state notifier of local user

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<bool> get localStateNotifier


microphone state of userID

  • function prototype:
bool state(String userID)


microphone state notifier of userID

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<bool> stateNotifier(String userID)


turn on/off userID microphone, if userID is empty, then it refers to local user

  • function prototype:
void turnOn(bool isOn, {String? userID})


switch userID microphone state, if userID is empty, then it refers to local user

  • function prototype:
void switchState({String? userID})


/// Audio route
enum ZegoUIKitAudioRoute {

  /// bluetooth device

  /// telephone receiver

  /// external USB audio device

  /// apple AirPlay


local audio output device notifier

  • function prototype:
ValueNotifier<ZegoUIKitAudioRoute> get localNotifier


audio output device notifier of userID

  • function prototype:
 ValueNotifier<ZegoUIKitAudioRoute> notifier(String userID)


set audio output to speaker or earpiece(telephone receiver)

  • function prototype:
void switchToSpeaker(bool isSpeaker)



user list stream notifier

  • function prototype:
Stream<List<ZegoUIKitUser>> get stream
  • example:
  stream: ZegoUIKit().getUserListStream(),
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    final allUsers = ZegoUIKit().getAllUsers();


remove user from call, kick out

  • function prototype:
Future<bool> remove(List<String> userIDs) async

@return Error code, please refer to the error codes document https://docs.zegocloud.com/en/5548.html for details.

  • example:


ZegoUIKit APIs Features
ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall APIs Events Configs Components Migration_v4.x
Call Widget. You can embed this widget into any page of your project to integrate the functionality of a call. You can refer to our documentation, or our sample code.