zefyrka library
Zefyr widgets and document model.
To use, import 'package:zefyrka/zefyrka.dart';
- AlignmentAttributeBuilder
- Builder for paragraph alignment attribute styles.
- AutoExitBlockRule
- Heuristic rule to exit current block when user inserts two consecutive newlines.
- AutoFormatLinksRule
- Applies link format to text segment (which looks like a link) when user inserts space character after it.
- BackgroundColorAttributeBuilder
- Builder for background color attribute values.
- BlockAttributeBuilder
- Builder for block attribute styles (number/bullet lists, code and quote).
- BlockEmbed
- An object which occupies an entire line in a document and cannot co-exist inline with regular text.
- BlockNode
- A block represents a group of adjacent LineNodes with the same block style.
- CatchAllDeleteRule
- Fallback rule for delete operations which simply deletes specified text range without any special handling.
- CatchAllInsertRule
- Fallback rule which simply inserts text as-is without any special handling.
- ClipboardController
- ColorAttributeBuilder
- Builder for color attribute values.
T extends Node> - Container node can accommodate other nodes.
- CursorController
- Controls cursor of an editable widget.
- CursorStyle
- Style properties of editing cursor.
- DeleteRule
- A heuristic rule for delete operations.
- EditorState
- Base interface for the editor state which defines contract used by various mixins.
- EmbeddableObject
- An object which can be embedded into a Notus document.
- EmbedNode
- An embed node inside of a line in a Notus document.
- EnsureEmbedLineRule
- Prevents user from merging a line containing an embed with other lines.
- FloatingCursorController
- FontFamilyAttributeBuilder
- Builder for font family attribute values.
- FontSizeAttributeBuilder
- Builder for font size attribute values.
- ForceNewlineForInsertsAroundEmbedRule
- Forces text inserted on the same line with an embed (before or after it) to be moved to a new line adjacent to the original line.
- FormatLinkAtCaretPositionRule
- Allows updating link format with collapsed selection.
- FormatRule
- A heuristic rule for format (retain) operations.
- HeadingAttributeBuilder
- Builder for heading attribute styles.
- IndentAttributeBuilder
- Builder for indent attribute values.
- InsertEmbedButton
- InsertEmbedsRule
- Handles all format operations which manipulate embeds.
- InsertRule
- A heuristic rule for insert operations.
- LeafNode
- A leaf node in Notus document tree.
- LineNode
- A line of rich text in a Notus document.
- LinkAttributeBuilder
- Builder for link attribute values.
- LinkStyleButton
- Toolbar button for formatting text as a link.
- LookupResult
- Result of a child lookup in a ContainerNode.
- Node
- An abstract node in a document tree.
T> - Style attribute applicable to a segment of a Notus document.
T> - Builder for style attributes.
T> - Interface for objects which provide access to an attribute key.
- NotusChange
- Represents a change in a NotusDocument.
- NotusDocument
- A rich text document.
- NotusHeuristics
- Registry for insert, format and delete heuristic rules used by NotusDocument documents.
- NotusStyle
- Collection of style attributes.
- PreserveBlockStyleOnInsertRule
- Preserves block style when user inserts text containing newlines.
- PreserveInlineStylesRule
- Preserves inline styles when user inserts text inside formatted segment.
- PreserveLineStyleOnMergeRule
- Preserves line format when user deletes the line's newline character effectively merging it with the next line.
- PreserveLineStyleOnSplitRule
- Preserves line format when user splits the line into two.
- RawEditor
- RawEditorState
- RenderAbstractEditor
- Base interface for editable render objects.
- RenderEditor
- Displays a Notus document as a vertical list of document segments (lines and blocks).
- ResetLineFormatOnNewLineRule
- Resets format for a newly inserted line when insert occurred at the end of a line (right before a newline).
- ResolveInlineFormatRule
- Produces Delta with inline-level attributes applied too all characters except newlines.
- ResolveLineFormatRule
- Produces Delta with line-level attributes applied strictly to newline characters.
- RootNode
- Root node of document tree.
- SelectHeadingStyleButton
- Toolbar button which allows to apply heading style to a line of text in Zefyr editor.
- SimpleClipboardController
- SpanEmbed
- An object which can be embedded on the same line (inline) with regular text.
- StyledNode
- An interface for document nodes with style.
- StyledNodeMixin
- Mixin used by nodes that wish to implement StyledNode interface.
- TextBlockTheme
- Style theme applied to a block of rich text, including single-line paragraphs.
- TextLine
- Line of text in Zefyr editor.
- TextNode
- A span of formatted text within a line in a Notus document.
- ToggleStyleButton
- Toolbar button which allows to toggle a style attribute on or off.
- VerticalSpacing
- Vertical spacing around a block of text.
T> - ZefyrController
- ZefyrEditor
- Widget for editing rich text documents.
- ZefyrField
- ZefyrTheme
- Applies a Zefyr editor theme to descendant widgets.
- ZefyrThemeData
- ZefyrToolbar
- ZIconButton
- Default icon button used in Zefyr editor toolbar.
- ChangeSource
- Source of a NotusChange.
- NotusAttributeScope
- Scope of a style attribute, defines context in which an attribute can be applied.
- kToolbarHeight → const double
BuildContext context, NotusAttribute attribute, IconData icon, bool isToggled, VoidCallback? onPressed) → Widget - Default builder for toggle style buttons.
BuildContext context, EmbedNode node) → Widget - Default implementation of a builder function for embeddable objects in Zefyr.
- TextSelectionChangedHandler = void Function(TextSelection selection, SelectionChangedCause cause)
- Signature for the callback that reports when the user changes the selection (including the cursor location).
- ToggleStyleButtonBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, NotusAttribute attribute, IconData icon, bool isToggled, VoidCallback? onPressed)
- Builder for toolbar buttons handling toggleable style attributes.
- ZefyrEmbedBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, EmbedNode node)
- Builder function for embeddable objects in ZefyrEditor.