ZdsMessage class

Message model for ZdsChatMessage.


ZdsMessage({required DateTime? time, ZdsChatMessageStatus status = ZdsChatMessageStatus.unknown, String senderName = '', String? content, bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], ZdsChatAttachment? attachment, bool isInfo = false, bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a ZdsMessage.
ZdsMessage.attachment({required ZdsChatMessageStatus status, required DateTime? time, required ZdsChatAttachment? attachment, String? text, String senderName = '', bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a ZdsMessage with an attachment.
ZdsMessage.audioLocal({required ZdsChatMessageStatus status, required DateTime? time, required String filePath, String? fileName, String? text, String senderName = '', bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a message with audio attachment with a local file path.
ZdsMessage.audioNetwork({required ZdsChatMessageStatus status, required DateTime? time, required Uri url, String? fileName, String? text, String senderName = '', bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a message with an audio attachment with a network url.
Constructs a blank message. Should not normally be used.
ZdsMessage.imageBase64({required ZdsChatMessageStatus status, required DateTime? time, required String image, required String imageName, String? text, String senderName = '', bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a message with an image attachment as a base64 image.
ZdsMessage.imageLocal({required ZdsChatMessageStatus status, required DateTime? time, required String filePath, String? fileName, String? text, String senderName = '', bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a message with an image attachment with a local file path.
ZdsMessage.imageNetwork({required ZdsChatMessageStatus status, required DateTime? time, required Uri url, String? fileName, String? text, String senderName = '', bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a message with an image attachment with a network url.
ZdsMessage.info({required String? content, DateTime? time, String id = ''})
Constructs an info message used to display updates to user. Message not from another user.
ZdsMessage.text({required ZdsChatMessageStatus status, required DateTime? time, required String? content, String senderName = '', bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a Text only message.
ZdsMessage.videoLocal({required ZdsChatMessageStatus status, required DateTime? time, required String filePath, String? fileName, String? text, String senderName = '', bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a message with a video attachment with a local file path.
ZdsMessage.videoNetwork({required ZdsChatMessageStatus status, required DateTime? time, required Uri url, String? fileName, String? text, String senderName = '', bool isDeleted = false, Map<String, int> reacts = const {}, Color? senderColor, List<String> tags = const [], bool isForwarded = false, ZdsMessage? replyMessageInfo, String id = ''})
Constructs a message with a video attachment with a network url.


attachment ZdsChatAttachment?
Attachment. Typically a document, image, video or voice note.
content String?
Text content of message.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasReacts bool
True if message has any reacts.
no setter
id String
Unique ID of message.
isDeleted bool
True if message has been deleted.
isForwarded bool
True if message has been forwarded.
isInfo bool
True if message is an information message, not a chat message.
reacts Map<String, int>
Map of reactions to number of times received.
replyMessageInfo ZdsMessage?
Contents of message that is being replied to.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
senderColor Color?
Optional custom color used to display sender name.
senderName String
Name to display for sender.
status ZdsChatMessageStatus
ZdsChatMessageStatus of message.
tags List<String>
List of tags.
time DateTime?
Time message was sent.
type → ZdsChatMessageType
ZdsChatMessageType of message.
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
timeString(BuildContext context) String
Returns formatted Date / Time string based on device preference.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.