NeuToggle class

Create a new NeuToggle, a StatefulWidget that builds a Neu.toggle wrapped in a self-handling GestureDetector.

Similar in design to NeuContainer in that the resulting Widget is comprised of two stacked AnimatedContainers, the first of which holds the base color and may employ insets to provide the inner Neu-design container the opportunity to extrude or "rise" from the former.

The difference is that this StatefulWidget not only utilizes a Neu.toggle to toggle neumorphic appearance states instead of manual control over Curvature and Swell, but it also wraps the container with a GestureDetector that will trigger its own Neu.toggle.isPressed toggles onTap/click and fire the onToggle callback with a bool of the new state.

See Neu.toggle for more information.

See also: AnimatedContainer, which this Widget will render and from which many if its parameters are copied.



NeuToggle({Key? key, Color color = lightWhite, int depth = defaultDepth, EdgeInsetsGeometry insets =, double spread = defaultSpread, Alignment lightSource = defaultLightSource, bool isFlat = false, bool isSuper = false, double depthMultiplier = defaultDepthMultiplier, double spreadMultiplier = defaultSpreadMultiplier, bool providesFeedback = false, AlignmentGeometry? alignment, double? width, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, BoxConstraints? constraints, ShapeBorder shape = defaultShape, Decoration? foregroundDecoration, Matrix4? transform, AlignmentGeometry? transformAlignment, Duration duration = defaultDuration, Curve curve = Curves.elasticOut, dynamic onToggle(bool)?, Widget? child})
A StatefulWidget that builds a Neu.toggle wrapped in a self-handling GestureDetector.


alignment AlignmentGeometry?
Align the child within the container.
child Widget?
The child contained by the container.
color Color
With all Neu design the basis of these decorations is a color and a depth. Color should ideally match with or be similar to the color of the background behind the resulting decoration. The depth is the extent to which this decoration will appear "extruded" from its surface. A larger depth increases the contrast of the shading of colors on either side of the decoration.
constraints BoxConstraints?
Additional constraints to apply to the child.
curve Curve
The Curve by which to implicitly animate any changes to the properties of this NeuToggle. Specifically, altering one of the fields in constructor or toggling the state by tap/click will animate changes over this animation curve.
depth int
With all Neu methods the basis of these decorations is a color and a depth. Color should ideally match or be similar to the color of the background behind the resulting decoration. The depth is the extent to which this decoration will appear "extruded" from its surface. A larger depth increases the contrast of the shading of colors on either side of the decoration.
depthMultiplier double
When in a state of isToggled, [depthMultiplier] and [spreadMultiplier] are applied to [depth] and [spread] automatically. To remove this effect, pass a value of 1.0` for these multipliers.
duration Duration
How long any changes to the visual properties of this NeuToggle will take to fully propagate and animate; changes could be either toggling its state with a tap/click which will trigger onToggle with the current status (bool) or by changing one of the fields, such as padding.
foregroundDecoration Decoration?
The Decoration to paint in front of the child.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height double?
Limit the width or height of this NeuToggle, excluding any margin, in logical pixels.
insets EdgeInsetsGeometry
A convenience to provide a padded, solid-color backdrop on which the true container will be rendered. In a scenario where a background is not a solid color that matches color, then insets may be initialized non-negligibly (such as EdgeInsets.all(25)) to provide a small platform for the Neumorphic effect to be more visible.
isFlat bool
Further refine the appearance of the decorations with either mutually-exclusive flag isFlat, which enforces the usage of Curvature.flat regardless of isToggled state; or isSuper, which opts into using Curvatures and Swells that fit the Degree.SUPER description, increasing intensity and contrast.
isSuper bool
Further refine the appearance of the decorations with either mutually-exclusive flag isFlat, which enforces the usage of Curvature.flat regardless of isToggled state; or isSuper, which opts into using Curvatures and Swells that fit the Degree.SUPER description, increasing intensity and contrast.
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
lightSource Alignment
The lightSource is always set by default as defaultLightSource, which is Alignment.topLeft. This gives the illusion of lighting the entire neumorphic decoration from the top-left corner. All descriptions of gradient and shadow directionality and the illusion of being toggled or not toggled are based on this default light source. An overriding Alignment may be provided, however, to dynamically "relight" the decorations.
margin EdgeInsetsGeometry?
Empty space to surround the NeuToggle and any insets.
onToggle → (dynamic Function(bool)?)
An optional function to perform any time the state of this NeuToggle is toggled (tapped/clicked on).
padding EdgeInsetsGeometry?
Empty space to inscribe inside the Container. The child, if any, is placed inside these EdgeInsets.
providesFeedback bool
A convenience flag for calling HapticFeedback.vibrate when triggering onToggle as the state of this widget has been toggled (by tap or click).
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
shape ShapeBorder
A ShapeBorder object provides a description of a shape for a decoration. It can include information such as how round corners are to be or what the border edges should look like.
spread double
In terms of Shadows, spread is responsible for determining how wide an area the effect covers and how blurry the shadows appear.
spreadMultiplier double
When in a state of isToggled, [depthMultiplier] and [spreadMultiplier] are applied to [depth] and [spread] automatically. To remove this effect, pass a value of 1.0` for these multipliers.
transform Matrix4?
The transformation matrix to apply before painting the container.
transformAlignment AlignmentGeometry?
The alignment of the origin, relative to the size of the container, if transform is specified.
width double?
Limit the width or height of this NeuToggle, excluding any margin, in logical pixels.


createElement() StatefulElement
Creates a StatefulElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
createState() → _NeuToggleState
Creates the mutable state for this widget at a given location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.