send method

  1. @override
Future<StreamedResponse> send(
  1. BaseRequest request

Sends an HTTP request and asynchronously returns the response.

Implementers should call BaseRequest.finalize to get the body of the request as a ByteStream. They shouldn't make any assumptions about the state of the stream; it could have data written to it asynchronously at a later point, or it could already be closed when it's returned. Any internal HTTP errors should be wrapped as ClientExceptions.


Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) async {
  if (_closed) throw HttpClientClosedException();

  // Apply default headers if they are not already present
  _defaultHeaders.forEach((key, value) {
    if (request.headers[key] == null) {
      request.headers[key] = _defaultHeaders[key]!;

  // print(StackTrace.current);
  return _httpClient.send(request);