toDateTime method

DateTime? toDateTime()



DateTime? toDateTime() {
  if (this == null) {
    return null;

  var parts = this!.trim().split(' ');
  if (parts.length == 4) {
    // Streamed x y ago
    parts = parts.skip(1).toList();

  if (parts.length != 3) {
    return null;

  final qty = int.parse(parts.first);

  // Try to get the unit
  final unit = parts[1];

  final time = switch (unit) {
    _ when unit.startsWith('second') => Duration(seconds: qty),
    _ when unit.startsWith('minute') => Duration(minutes: qty),
    _ when unit.startsWith('hour') => Duration(hours: qty),
    _ when unit.startsWith('day') => Duration(days: qty),
    _ when unit.startsWith('week') => Duration(days: qty * 7),
    _ when unit.startsWith('month') => Duration(days: qty * 30),
    _ when unit.startsWith('year') => Duration(days: qty * 365),
    _ => throw StateError("Couldn't parse $unit unit of time. "
        'Please report this to the project page!')
