youtube_player_flutter library
- CurrentPosition
- A widget which displays the current position of the video.
- FullScreenButton
- A widget to display the full screen toggle button.
- InheritedYoutubePlayer
- An inherited widget to provide YoutubePlayerController to it's descendants.
- LiveBottomBar
- A widget to display bottom controls bar on Live Video Mode.
- PlaybackRate
- Playback rate or speed for the video.
- PlaybackSpeedButton
- A widget to display playback speed changing button.
- PlayPauseButton
- A widget to display play/pause button.
- ProgressBar
- A widget to display video progress bar.
- ProgressBarColors
- Defines different colors for ProgressBar.
- RemainingDuration
- A widget which displays the remaining duration of the video.
- ThumbnailQuality
- Quality of YouTube video thumbnail.
- TouchShutter
- A widget to display darkened translucent overlay, when video area is touched.
- YoutubeMetaData
- Meta data for Youtube Video.
- YoutubePlayer
- A widget to play or stream YouTube videos using the official YouTube IFrame Player API.
- YoutubePlayerBuilder
- A wrapper for YoutubePlayer.
- YoutubePlayerController
- Controls a youtube player, and provides updates when the state is changing.
- YoutubePlayerFlags
- Defines player flags for YoutubePlayer.
- YoutubePlayerValue
- ValueNotifier for YoutubePlayerController.
- PlayerState
- Current state of the player.