YoutubePlayerValue constructor

  1. bool isReady = false,
  2. bool isControlsVisible = false,
  3. bool hasPlayed = false,
  4. Duration position = const Duration(),
  5. double buffered = 0.0,
  6. bool isPlaying = false,
  7. bool isFullScreen = false,
  8. int volume = 100,
  9. PlayerState playerState = PlayerState.unknown,
  10. double playbackRate = PlaybackRate.normal,
  11. String? playbackQuality,
  12. int errorCode = 0,
  13. InAppWebViewController? webViewController,
  14. bool isDragging = false,
  15. YoutubeMetaData metaData = const YoutubeMetaData(),

The duration, current position, buffering state, error state and settings of a YoutubePlayerController.


  this.isReady = false,
  this.isControlsVisible = false,
  this.hasPlayed = false,
  this.position = const Duration(),
  this.buffered = 0.0,
  this.isPlaying = false,
  this.isFullScreen = false,
  this.volume = 100,
  this.playerState = PlayerState.unknown,
  this.playbackRate = PlaybackRate.normal,
  this.errorCode = 0,
  this.isDragging = false,
  this.metaData = const YoutubeMetaData(),