SearchPlaylist class abstract

Available extensions


SearchPlaylist(PlaylistId id, String title, int videoCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails)


copyWith → _$$SearchPlaylistImplCopyWith<_$SearchPlaylistImpl>
Create a copy of SearchResult with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id PlaylistId
no setter
playlistId PlaylistId

Available on SearchPlaylist, provided by the PlaylistIdExt extension

no setter
playlistTile String

Available on SearchPlaylist, provided by the PlaylistIdExt extension

no setter
playlistVideoCount int

Available on SearchPlaylist, provided by the PlaylistIdExt extension

no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
thumbnails List<Thumbnail>
Video thumbnail
no setter
title String
Playlist title.
no setter
videoCount int
Playlist video count, cannot be greater than 50.
no setter


map<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult video(SearchVideo value), required TResult playlist(SearchPlaylist value), required TResult channel(SearchChannel value)}) → TResult
mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({TResult? video(SearchVideo value)?, TResult? playlist(SearchPlaylist value)?, TResult? channel(SearchChannel value)?}) → TResult?
maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({TResult video(SearchVideo value)?, TResult playlist(SearchPlaylist value)?, TResult channel(SearchChannel value)?, required TResult orElse()}) → TResult
maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult video(VideoId id, String title, String author, String description, String duration, int viewCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails, String? uploadDate, bool isLive, String channelId)?, TResult playlist(PlaylistId id, String title, int videoCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails)?, TResult channel(ChannelId id, String name, String description, int videoCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails)?, required TResult orElse()}) → TResult
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult video(VideoId id, String title, String author, String description, String duration, int viewCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails, String? uploadDate, bool isLive, String channelId), required TResult playlist(PlaylistId id, String title, int videoCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails), required TResult channel(ChannelId id, String name, String description, int videoCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails)}) → TResult
whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({TResult? video(VideoId id, String title, String author, String description, String duration, int viewCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails, String? uploadDate, bool isLive, String channelId)?, TResult? playlist(PlaylistId id, String title, int videoCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails)?, TResult? channel(ChannelId id, String name, String description, int videoCount, List<Thumbnail> thumbnails)?}) → TResult?


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.