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Dart library for controlling Yeelight products over LAN.

More info about Yeelight API:



  1. Depend on it

Run this command:

With dart:

$ dart pub add yeedart

With flutter:

$ flutter pub add yeedart

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get/flutter pub get):

  yeedart: ^0.3.2
  1. Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:yeedart/yeedart.dart';


Device discovery

First of all, you need to know your device's IP address and port. You can use method which returns list of DiscoveryResponse.

final responses = await;
final response = responses.first; // or filter..

Each response contains IP address and port for given device and other properties (name, firmware version, current state,...).

:information_source: You can also specify timeout for discovery. Default is 2 seconds.

Note that for device discovery to properly work on Android, you at least need the INTERNET permission granted.

Connect to the device

final device = Device(
  address: InternetAddress(""),
  port: 55443,

await device.turnOn(); // turn the device on

// set red color with smooth transition
await device.setRGB(
  effect: const Effect.smooth(),
  duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),

await device.setBrightness(brightness: 70); // set brightness to 70 %

device.disconnect(); // always disconnect when you are done!

:warning: When you send a Command, new TCP connection will be created automatically. This single TCP connection is then used for another command(s). But when you are done, you should close the connection.

:information_source: Note that when you call device.disconnect() and then call for example device.turnOff(), new TCP connection will be created automatically.

:information_source: If you don't want to send any command and just listen on the notificationMessageStream, use the device.connect() to create a connection manually.

:information_source: Also note that Yeelight connections are rate-limited to 60 per minute.

Main and background light

Some devices can be equiped with two lights: main and background. Methods in Device class control main light by default (for example device.setRGB(color: sets RGB color for main light. If you want to set RGB color for background light, you have to specify lightType parameter: device.setRGB(color:, lightType: LightType.backgroud);.

You can also use LightType.both but ONLY for toggling: device.toggle(lightType: LightType.both).


Flow (color flow) is basically a list of transitions. To start a flow use startFlow() method and provide Flow. Flow has 3 required parameters:

  • count - number of transitions to run, 0 for infinite loop. If you have 10 transitions and count is 5, it will run only first 5 transitions!
  • action - specifies action to take after the flow ends.
    • FlowAction.stay to stay at the last state when the flow is stopped.
    • FlowAction.recover to recover the state before the flow.
    • FlowAction.turnOff to turn off.
  • transitions - list of FlowTransition, FlowTransition.rgb(), FlowTransition.colorTemperature() or FlowTransition.sleep().

Following example will loop red, green and blue colors at full brightness.

await device.startFlow(
  flow: const Flow(
    count: 0,
    action: FlowAction.recover(),
    transitions: [
      FlowTransition.rgb(color: 0xff0000, brightness: 100),
      FlowTransition.sleep(duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500)),
      FlowTransition.rgb(color: 0x00ff00, brightness: 100),
      FlowTransition.sleep(duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500)),
      FlowTransition.rgb(color: 0x0000ff, brightness: 100),
      FlowTransition.sleep(duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500)),

To manually stop flow, use device.stopFlow().

This library also includes some predefined flows:

  • Flow.rgb() - changes color from red, to green to blue
  • Flow.police - changes red and blue color like police lights.
  • Flow.pulse() - creates pulse with given color


Scene allows you to set light to specific state. To use scene, use setScene() method and provide Scene.

You can use:

  • Scene.color() or Scene.hsv() to set color and brightness
  • Scene.colorTemperature to set color temperature and brightness
  • Scene.colorFlow() to start a color Flow
  • Scene.autoDelayOff() to turn on the device to specified brightness and start a timer to turn off the light after specified number of minutes.


device.setScene(scene: Scene.color(color: 0xff0000, brightness: 100));

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


Support for controlling Yeelight devices over LAN.