YaruSwitch class

A Yaru switch.

Used to toggle the on/off state of a single setting.

The switch itself does not maintain any state. Instead, when the state of the switch changes, the widget calls the onChanged callback. Most widgets that use a switch will listen for the onChanged callback and rebuild the switch with a new value to update the visual appearance of the switch.

If the onChanged callback is null, then the switch will be disabled (it will not respond to input). A disabled switch's thumb and track are rendered in shades of grey by default. The default appearance of a disabled switch can be overridden with inactiveThumbColor and inactiveTrackColor.

See also:

  • YaruSwitchButton, a desktop style switch button with an interactive label.
  • YaruCheckbox, another widget with similar semantics.
  • YaruRadio, for selecting among a set of explicit values.
  • Slider, for selecting a value in a range.
Implemented types


YaruSwitch({Key? key, required bool value, required ValueChanged<bool>? onChanged, Color? selectedColor, Color? thumbColor, FocusNode? focusNode, bool autofocus = false, MouseCursor? mouseCursor, MaterialStatesController? statesController})


autofocus bool
True if this widget will be selected as the initial focus when no other node in its scope is currently focused.
checked bool
Getter used to link T to a bool value. If true, the YaruTogglable will be considered as checked.
no setter
focusNode FocusNode?
An optional focus node to use as the focus node for this widget.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
interactive bool
Determine if this YaruTogglable can handle events.
no setter
key Key?
Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
mouseCursor MouseCursor?
The cursor for a mouse pointer when it enters or is hovering over the widget.
onChanged ValueChanged<bool>?
Called when the user toggles the switch on or off.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectedColor Color?
The color to use when this switch is on.
statesController MaterialStatesController?
Controls the states of the YaruTogglable.
thumbColor Color?
The color to use for the thumb when this switch is on.
tristate bool
By default, a YaruTogglable widget can only handle two state. If true, it will be able to display tree values.
no setter
value bool
Whether this switch is on or off.


createElement() StatefulElement
Creates a StatefulElement to manage this widget's location in the tree.
createState() → YaruTogglableState<YaruSwitch>
Creates the mutable state for this widget at a given location in the tree.
debugDescribeChildren() List<DiagnosticsNode>
Returns a list of DiagnosticsNode objects describing this node's children.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringDeep({String prefixLineOne = '', String? prefixOtherLines, DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a string representation of this node and its descendants.
toStringShallow({String joiner = ', ', DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.debug}) String
Returns a one-line detailed description of the object.
toStringShort() String
A short, textual description of this widget.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.