SuggestItem class abstract final

A single suggested item.

Implemented types


SuggestItem(SuggestItemType type, SpannableString title, SpannableString? subtitle, List<String> tags, String searchText, String? displayText, String? uri, LocalizedValue? distance, bool isPersonal, SuggestItemAction action, String? logId, bool isOffline, bool isWordItem, List<KeyValuePair> properties, Point? center, SuggestItemBusinessContext? businessContext)


action SuggestItemAction
Action to perform on click/tap/enter.
no setter
businessContext SuggestItemBusinessContext?
Detailed subtype of the Business type
no setter
center Point?
Position of object.
no setter
displayText String?
Text to display if searchText is too technical to display.
no setter
distance LocalizedValue?
Optional distance localized value.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
isOffline bool
Item is from offline search.
no setter
isPersonal bool
If the suggested item respects personalization.
no setter
isWordItem bool
Item is a word suggest item.
no setter
logId String?
Id for request logging.
no setter
properties List<KeyValuePair>
Additional item properties.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
searchText String
Text to search for.
no setter
subtitle SpannableString?
If type is TOPONYM returns reversed toponym hierarchy, if type is BUSINESS returns business address.
no setter
tags List<String>
Additional free-form data for suggest item. If type is TOPONYM, returns toponym kind (house/street/locality/...). If type is BUSINESS, returns category class (drugstores/restaurants/...).
no setter
title SpannableString
Short object name.
no setter
type SuggestItemType
Suggested object type.
no setter
uri String?
Element uri, if applicable.
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(covariant SuggestItem other) bool
The equality operator.