A collection that displays large groups of placemarks efficiently.
Placemarks that are too close to each other with current zoom are
rendered as a single cluster. Placemarks and clusters are not shown
until clusterPlacemarks method is called explicitly.
A container of other geometry objects. Point - A point on the map.
Polyline - A polyline between a number of points. Polygon - A polygon
with one or more polygons in it. BoundingBox - A rectangular box
around the object. Circle - A circle around the specified point.
Allows user to be notified when the layer has finished loading. This
occurs after all tiles required to render the layer have been
fetched, and are ready to be rendered. This event will not fire if
the layer never loads due to connectivity issues, or if the layer is
continuously changing and never completes loading due to the user
constantly interacting with the map.
A sequence of four or more vertices, with all points along the
linearly-interpolated curves (line segments) between each pair of
consecutive vertices. A ring must have either 0, 4 or more points.
The first and last points of the ring must be in the same position.
The ring must not intersect with itself.
Listener interface for when the map has finished loading. This occurs
after all tiles required to render the map have been fetched, and are
ready to be rendered. This event will not fire if the map never loads
due to connectivity issues, or if the map is continuously changing
and never completes loading due to the user constantly interacting
with the map.
This listener is notified when a map object is being dragged. Note
that the map object's "draggable" property needs to be set to True in
order to activate dragging. A long tap on a map object activates
dragging mode.
If an event is not handled by the source object then it's propagated
to its parent. This listener can be attached to any MapObject
including MapObjectCollection.
Wraps MapWindow without its own view to render. Allows to render
map on additional surfaces in separate processes without having to
create MapView control in the main process.
Represents a styler for all placemarks in the map object collection,
including placemarks in child collections. When a new placemark is
added to a collection, the placemark tries to get style properties
from the collection where it has been added. If this collection
doesn't have a style property, the placemark tries to get it from the
closest parent collection. If none of these collections have a
specific style property, the placemark sets the default value for
this property.
Zoom and tilt independent styling parameters for outline. Default
values for PolylineStyle fields are the same as corresponding
PolylineMapObject if not specified explicitly.
Makes two conversions: world->XY and XY->world, where XY are tile
indexes. There are two main derived classes: spherical mercator
(google, osm) and wgs84 mercator (yandex).
There are two types of request points. A waypoint is a destination.
Use it when you plan to stop there. Via points (throughpoints)
correct the route to make it pass through all the via points.
Waypoints are guaranteed to be between sections in the resulting
route. Via points are embedded into sections.
User location events object listener. Use it to customize the user
location view. Although some callbacks are unused, the generic
structure of the interface is suitable for object layer listeners.