PlacemarkMapObject class abstract

Represents a geo-positioned object on the map.

Implemented types




direction double
Angle between the direction of an object and the direction to north. Measured in degrees. Default: 0.f.
getter/setter pair
draggable bool
If true, the map object can be dragged by the user. Default: false.
getter/setter pairinherited
geometry Point
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
opacity double
Opacity multiplicator for the placemark content. Values below 0 will be set to 0. Default: 1.
getter/setter pair
parent BaseMapObjectCollection
Returns the collection of map objects that the current map object belongs to.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
userData Object?
getter/setter pairinherited
visible bool
Manages visibility of the object on the map. Default: true.
getter/setter pairinherited
zIndex double
Gets the z-index, which affects:
getter/setter pairinherited


addTapListener(MapObjectTapListener tapListener) → void
Adds a tap listener to the object.
isValid() bool
Usable only in runWithBlockUi or listener handlers.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeTapListener(MapObjectTapListener tapListener) → void
Removes the tap listener from the object.
setDragListener(MapObjectDragListener? dragListener) → void
Sets a drag listener for the object. Each object can only have one drag listener.
setIcon(ImageProvider image) → void
Sets an icon with the default style for the placemark. Resets the animation, the composite icon, the view and the model.
setIconStyle(IconStyle style) → void
Changes the icon style. Valid only for the single icon, the view and the animated icon.
setIconWithCallback(ImageProvider image, Callback onFinished) → void
Sets an icon with the default style for the placemark. Resets the animation, the composite icon, the view and the model. The callback is called immediately after the image finished loading. This means you can, for example, change the placemark visibility with a new icon.
setIconWithStyle(ImageProvider image, IconStyle style) → void
Sets an icon with the given style for the placemark. Resets the animation, the composite icon, the view and the model.
setIconWithStyleAndCallback(ImageProvider image, IconStyle style, Callback onFinished) → void
Sets an icon with the given style for the placemark. Resets the animation, the composite icon, the view and the model. The callback is called immediately after the image finished loading. This means you can, for example, change the placemark visibility with a new icon.
setScaleFunction(List<Point<double>> points) → void
Sets piecewise linear scale, depending on the zoom. The 'points' must be sorted by x; x coordinates must be unique. If zoom < minZoom(points) or zoom > maxZoom(points), it is set within the defined bounds before applying the function. By default, the scale function is defined by a single point (1, 1). If points is null or points.empty(), it resets the function to the default. If points.size() == 1, the scale is constant and equals point.y.
setText(String text) → void
Sets the text for the placemark, current text style is used
setTextStyle(TextStyle style) → void
Changes the text style.
setTextWithStyle(TextStyle style, {required String text}) → void
Sets the text with the given style for the placemark
setView(ViewProvider view) → void
Sets the view with the default style for the placemark. Resets icons, animation and the model.
setViewWithCallback(ViewProvider view, Callback onFinished) → void
Sets the view with the default style for the placemark. Resets icons, animation and the model. The callback will be called immediately after the view finished loading.
setViewWithStyle(ViewProvider view, IconStyle style) → void
Sets the view with the given style for the placemark. Resets icons, animation and the model.
setViewWithStyleAndCallback(ViewProvider view, IconStyle style, Callback onFinished) → void
Sets the view with the given style for the placemark. Resets icons, animation and the model. The callback will be called immediately after the view finished loading.
setVisible(Animation animation, {required bool visible, Callback? onFinished}) → void
Manages visibility of the object.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
useAnimation() PlacemarkAnimation
Sets and returns the placemark animation. Resets the single icon, the composite icon, the view and the model.
useCompositeIcon() CompositeIcon
Sets and returns the composite icon. Resets the single icon, the animation, the view and the model.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.