focusRect property

ScreenRect? get focusRect

When using controls that overlay the map view, calculating the proper camera position can be tricky. This property simplifies the task by defining the area of interest (the focus rectangle) inside the view. Map methods that calculate the camera position based on a world bounding box ensure that this bounding box will fit into the focusRect.

For example, when using a semi-transparent control that overlays the top half of the map view, define the focus rectangle as the lower half of the view to ensure that object of interest appear in the lower half of map view. In addition, if focusPoint is null all camera movements will have the center of the lower half as their target.

If focusRect is null, the whole map view is used instead.

On iOS, if you change the focus rectangle in the viewDidLayoutSubviews callback, it's recommended to call MapView.layoutIfNeeded just before that action.


mapkit_screen_types.ScreenRect? get focusRect;
set focusRect (ScreenRect? val)


set focusRect(mapkit_screen_types.ScreenRect? val);