PanoramaDescription class abstract final

Implemented types


PanoramaDescription(String panoramaId, PanoramaPosition? position, PanoramaAngularBoundingBox angularBBox, PanoramaImageSize tileSize, List<PanoramaTileLevel> tileLevels, List<PanoramaIconMarker> iconMarkers, List<PanoramaTextMarker> textMarkers, List<PanoramaCompanyMarker> companyMarkers, List<PanoramaIconConnection> iconConnections, List<PanoramaArrowConnection> arrowConnections, Direction direction, Span span, Attribution? attribution)


angularBBox PanoramaAngularBoundingBox
The angularBBox field sets how the tile tilelevels oriented in space. Direction + span will be limited between top and bottom The recommendation for initializing angular bbox: (right - left) == 360. Non 360 degrees panoramas are not supported yet. (top - bottom) <= 180 The angular aspect ratio must be the same as any tileLevel aspect ratio. (right - left)/(top - bottom) == tileLevel[i].width/tileLevel[i].height
no setter
arrowConnections List<PanoramaArrowConnection>
Add standard player arrow connections
no setter
attribution Attribution?
Panorama author information.
no setter
companyMarkers List<PanoramaCompanyMarker>
Add company icons and labels to the panorama
no setter
direction Direction
Suggest where to look at once panorama is opened. It's just a recommendation because it depends on angularBBox and span.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
iconConnections List<PanoramaIconConnection>
Add icons with interaction
no setter
iconMarkers List<PanoramaIconMarker>
Add marker icons to the panorama
no setter
panoramaId String
panoramaId is passed as a parameter to the TileImageFactory or to the TileUrlProvider
no setter
position PanoramaPosition?
Geo position.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
span Span
Suggest view area span. It's just a recommendation because it depends on angularBBox and direction.
no setter
textMarkers List<PanoramaTextMarker>
Add marker text to the panorama
no setter
tileLevels List<PanoramaTileLevel>
The tileLevels is a set of the TileLevel structs. Tile levels can be added in any order. It's recommended to have at least 2 tile levels:
no setter
tileSize PanoramaImageSize
Any tile level imageSize width must be multiple of the tileSize width. Only 256x256 and 512x512 tiles are supported.
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(covariant PanoramaDescription other) bool
The equality operator.