yak_utils library


an a class that lazily stores a value from a generator Function


CacheNullaryAsyncX on NullaryAsync<T>
generates a Cache from a NullaryAsync
CacheNullaryX on Nullary<T>
generates a Cache from a Nullary
CacheUnaryAsyncX on UnaryAsync<T, S>
given an argument generates a Cache from a UnaryAsync
CacheUnaryX on Unary<T, S>
given an argument generates a Cache from a Unary
EmptyOnNullX on Iterable<T>?
an extension on nullable Iterable<T>
IterableContainsAnyX on S
an extension that search an Iterable for any other element of a second Iterable
LetX on T
an extension on an object that uses it in a given unary
ListEqualityX on S
an extension List<T>
MapContainsAnyX on R
an extension that search an Map for any other element of a second Map
MapEqualityX on M
an extension Map<T, S>
RoundToPrecisionX on double
round a double to with a precision of given n digits
SetEqualityX on S
an extension List<T>


clampInt(int value, int min, int max) int
see sky_engine/lib/ui/lerp.dart
lerpInt(int a, int b, double t) double
see sky_engine/lib/ui/lerp.dart
lerpNNDouble(double a, double b, double t) double
see sky_engine/lib/ui/lerp.dart _lerpDouble


Json = Map<String, Object?>
MultiArgFunction2<T, S, U> = T Function(S, U)
a typedef for a "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunction3<T, S, U, V> = T Function(S, U, V)
a typedef for a "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunction4<T, S, U, V, W> = T Function(S, U, V, W)
a typedef for a "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunction5<T, S, U, V, W, X> = T Function(S, U, V, W, X)
a typedef for a "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionAsync2<T, S, U> = MultiArgFunction2<Future<T>, S, U>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionAsync3<T, S, U, V> = MultiArgFunction3<Future<T>, S, U, V>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionAsync4<T, S, U, V, W> = MultiArgFunction4<Future<T>, S, U, V, W>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionAsync5<T, S, U, V, W, X> = MultiArgFunction5<Future<T>, S, U, V, W, X>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionFutureOr2<T, S, U> = MultiArgFunction2<FutureOr<T>, S, U>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionFutureOr3<T, S, U, V> = MultiArgFunction3<FutureOr<T>, S, U, V>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionFutureOr4<T, S, U, V, W> = MultiArgFunction4<FutureOr<T>, S, U, V, W>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionFutureOr5<T, S, U, V, W, X> = MultiArgFunction5<FutureOr<T>, S, U, V, W, X>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
Nullary<T> = T Function()
a typedef for a "nullary" Function
NullaryAsync<T> = Nullary<Future<T>>
NullaryFutureOr<T> = Nullary<FutureOr<T>>
NullaryVoid = Nullary<void>
a typedef for an Nullary that returns a void
NullaryVoidAsync = NullaryAsync<void>
a typedef for an Nullary that returns a Future<void>
NullaryVoidFutureOr = NullaryFutureOr<void>
a typedef for an Nullary that returns a Future<void>
Unary<T, S> = T Function(S)
a typedef for a "unary" Function
UnaryAsync<T, S> = Unary<Future<T>, S>
UnaryFutureOr<T, S> = Unary<FutureOr<T>, S>
UnaryVoid<T> = Unary<void, T>
a typedef for an Unary that returns a void
UnaryVoidAsync<T> = UnaryAsync<void, T>
a typedef for an UnaryAsync that returns a Future<void>
UnaryVoidFutureOr<T> = UnaryFutureOr<void, T>
a typedef for an UnaryAsync that returns a Future<void>