yak_runner library


an a class that lazily stores a value from a generator Function
represent a failure of a function
MultiDelegate2<T, S, U>
a delegate class for a multi-argument Function where the fist type is the return type and the subsequent types are the argument of the functions
MultiDelegate3<T, S, U, V>
a delegate class for a multi-argument Function where the fist type is the return type and the subsequent types are the argument of the functions
MultiDelegate4<T, S, U, V, W>
a delegate class for a multi-argument Function where the fist type is the return type and the subsequent types are the argument of the functions
MultiDelegate5<T, S, U, V, W, X>
a delegate class for a multi-argument Function where the fist type is the return type and the subsequent types are the argument of the functions
a delegate class for a Nullary Function
represent the outcome of a function
represent a success of a function
UnaryDelegate<T, S>
a delegate class for n Unary Function
a result returning value
represent a success of a function
a result without returning value
a result without returning value


CacheNullaryAsyncX on NullaryAsync<T>
generates a Cache from a NullaryAsync
CacheNullaryX on Nullary<T>
generates a Cache from a Nullary
CacheUnaryAsyncX on UnaryAsync<T, S>
given an argument generates a Cache from a UnaryAsync
CacheUnaryX on Unary<T, S>
given an argument generates a Cache from a Unary
EmptyOnNullX on Iterable<T>?
an extension on nullable Iterable<T>
IsFailureX on Result
an utility extension that returns boolean for Result is Failure
IsSuccessX on Result
an utility extension that returns boolean for Result is Success
IterableContainsAnyX on S
an extension that search an Iterable for any other element of a second Iterable
IterableNullaryCombineValueResultX on Iterable<ResultNullary<T>>
IterableNullaryCombineVoidResultX on Iterable<VoidResultNullary>
IterableNullaryToResultNullaryAsyncX on Iterable<NullaryFutureOr<T>>
IterableNullaryToResultNullaryX on Iterable<Nullary<T>>
IterableUnaryCombineValueResultX on Iterable<ResultUnary<T, S>>
IterableUnaryCombineVoidResultX on Iterable<VoidResultUnary<T>>
IterableUnaryToResultUnaryAsyncX on Iterable<UnaryFutureOr<T, S>>
IterableUnaryToResultUnaryX on Iterable<Unary<T, S>>
LetX on T
an extension on an object that uses it in a given unary
ListEqualityX on S
an extension List<T>
MapContainsAnyX on R
an extension that search an Map for any other element of a second Map
MapEqualityX on M
an extension Map<T, S>
RecastFailureX on Failure<T>
recast a Failure with to the desired Type
ResultAsFailureX on Result<T>
syntactic sugar to easily access the data of a failed Result
ResultNullaryDelegateAsyncX on NullaryDelegateFutureOr<T>
equivalent of ResultNullaryAsyncX targeting NullaryDelegateAsync instead of NullaryAsync
ResultNullaryDelegateSyncX on NullaryDelegate<T>
equivalent of ResultNullaryX targeting NullaryDelegate instead of Nullary
ResultNullaryFutureOrX on NullaryFutureOr<T>
ResultNullaryFutureOrX turns a NullaryFutureOr function into a ResultNullaryAsync function
ResultNullaryX on Nullary<T>
ResultNullaryX turns a Nullary function into a ResultNullary function
ResultUnaryAsyncDelegateX on UnaryDelegateFutureOr<T, S>
equivalent of ResultUnaryAsyncX targeting UnaryDelegateAsync instead of UnaryAsync
ResultUnaryDelegateX on UnaryDelegate<T, S>
equivalent of ResultUnaryX targeting UnaryDelegate instead of Unary
ResultUnaryFutureOrX on UnaryFutureOr<T, S>
ResultUnaryFutureOrX turns a UnaryFutureOr function into a ResultUnaryAsync function
ResultUnaryX on Unary<T, S>
ResultUnaryX turns a [Unary function into a ResultUnary function
RoundToPrecisionX on double
round a double to with a precision of given n digits
SetEqualityX on S
an extension List<T>
ThenRunNullaryX on FutureVoidResult
syntactic sugar to pass a FutureVoidResult to a NullaryFutureOr
ThenRunUnaryX on FutureValueResult<S>
syntactic sugar to pass a FutureValueResult to a UnaryFutureOr
ValueResultAsSuccess on ValueResult<T>
syntactic sugar to easily access the data of a sucessful ValueResult
ValueResultAsVoidX on Result
syntactic sugar to cast a Result to VoidResult
ValueResultLetRunX on ValueResult<S>
syntactic sugar to pass a ValueResult to a ResultUnary
VoidResultAsSuccess on VoidResult
syntactic sugar to easily access the data of a sucessful VoidResult
VoidResultLetRunX on VoidResult
syntactic sugar to pass a VoidResult to a ResultNullary


clampInt(int value, int min, int max) int
see sky_engine/lib/ui/lerp.dart
lerpInt(int a, int b, double t) double
see sky_engine/lib/ui/lerp.dart
lerpNNDouble(double a, double b, double t) double
see sky_engine/lib/ui/lerp.dart _lerpDouble
nullaryRun<T>(Nullary<T> function) ResultNullary<T>
takes as argument a Nullary returns a ResultNullary
nullaryRunAsync<T>(NullaryFutureOr<T> function) ResultNullaryAsync<T>
takes as argument a NullaryFutureOr returns a ResultNullaryAsync
nullaryRunVoid<T>(Nullary<T> function) VoidResultNullary
takes as argument a Nullary returns a VoidResultNullary
nullaryRunVoidAsync<T>(NullaryFutureOr<T> function) VoidResultNullaryAsync
takes as argument a NullaryAsync returns a VoidResultNullaryAsync
unaryRun<T, S>(Unary<T, S> function) ResultUnary<T, S>
takes as argument a Unary returns a ResultUnary
unaryRunAsync<T, S>(UnaryFutureOr<T, S> function) ResultUnaryAsync<T, S>
takes as argument a UnaryFutureOr returns a ResultUnaryAsync
unaryRunVoid<T, S>(Unary<T, S> function) VoidResultUnary<S>
takes as argument a Unary returns a VoidResultUnary
unaryRunVoidAsync<T, S>(UnaryFutureOr<T, S> function) VoidResultUnaryAsync<S>
takes as argument a UnaryAsync returns a VoidResultUnaryAsync


FutureResult<T> = FutureOr<Result<T>>
a FutureOr Result
FutureValueResult<T> = FutureOr<ValueResult<T>>
a FutureOr ValueResult
FutureVoidResult = FutureOr<VoidResult<void>>
a FutureOr VoidResult
Json = Map<String, Object?>
MultiArgFunction2<T, S, U> = T Function(S, U)
a typedef for a "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunction3<T, S, U, V> = T Function(S, U, V)
a typedef for a "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunction4<T, S, U, V, W> = T Function(S, U, V, W)
a typedef for a "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunction5<T, S, U, V, W, X> = T Function(S, U, V, W, X)
a typedef for a "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionAsync2<T, S, U> = MultiArgFunction2<Future<T>, S, U>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionAsync3<T, S, U, V> = MultiArgFunction3<Future<T>, S, U, V>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionAsync4<T, S, U, V, W> = MultiArgFunction4<Future<T>, S, U, V, W>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionAsync5<T, S, U, V, W, X> = MultiArgFunction5<Future<T>, S, U, V, W, X>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionFutureOr2<T, S, U> = MultiArgFunction2<FutureOr<T>, S, U>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionFutureOr3<T, S, U, V> = MultiArgFunction3<FutureOr<T>, S, U, V>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionFutureOr4<T, S, U, V, W> = MultiArgFunction4<FutureOr<T>, S, U, V, W>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiArgFunctionFutureOr5<T, S, U, V, W, X> = MultiArgFunction5<FutureOr<T>, S, U, V, W, X>
a typedef for an async "multi-argument" Function
MultiDelegateAsync2<T, S, U> = MultiDelegate2<Future<T>, S, U>
a typedef for an async MultiDelegate2
MultiDelegateAsync3<T, S, U, V> = MultiDelegate3<Future<T>, S, U, V>
a typedef for an async MultiDelegate3
MultiDelegateAsync4<T, S, U, V, W> = MultiDelegate4<Future<T>, S, U, V, W>
a typedef for an async MultiDelegate4
MultiDelegateAsync5<T, S, U, V, W, X> = MultiDelegate5<Future<T>, S, U, V, W, X>
a typedef for an async MultiDelegate5
MultiDelegateFutureOr2<T, S, U> = MultiDelegate2<FutureOr<T>, S, U>
a typedef for an async MultiDelegate2
MultiDelegateFutureOr3<T, S, U, V> = MultiDelegate3<FutureOr<T>, S, U, V>
a typedef for an async MultiDelegate3
MultiDelegateFutureOr4<T, S, U, V, W> = MultiDelegate4<FutureOr<T>, S, U, V, W>
a typedef for an async MultiDelegate4
MultiDelegatFutureOr5<T, S, U, V, W, X> = MultiDelegate5<FutureOr<T>, S, U, V, W, X>
a typedef for an async MultiDelegate5
Nullary<T> = T Function()
a typedef for a "nullary" Function
NullaryAsync<T> = Nullary<Future<T>>
NullaryDelegateAsync<T> = NullaryDelegate<Future<T>>
a typedef for an async NullaryDelegate
NullaryDelegateFutureOr<T> = NullaryDelegate<FutureOr<T>>
a typedef for an async NullaryDelegate
NullaryFutureOr<T> = Nullary<FutureOr<T>>
NullaryVoid = Nullary<void>
a typedef for an Nullary that returns a void
NullaryVoidAsync = NullaryAsync<void>
a typedef for an Nullary that returns a Future<void>
NullaryVoidDelegate = NullaryDelegate<void>
a typedef for an NullaryDelegate that returns a void
NullaryVoidDelegateAsync = NullaryDelegateAsync<void>
a typedef for an NullaryDelegateAsync that returns a Future<void>
NullaryVoidDelegatFutureOr = NullaryDelegateFutureOr<void>
a typedef for an NullaryDelegateAsync that returns a Future<void>
NullaryVoidFutureOr = NullaryFutureOr<void>
a typedef for an Nullary that returns a Future<void>
ResultNullary<T> = Nullary<ValueResult<T>>
an Nullary Function that returns a Result
ResultNullaryAsync<T> = Nullary<FutureOr<ValueResult<T>>>
an Nullary async Function that returns a Result
ResultNullaryDelegate<T> = NullaryDelegate<Result<T>>
a typedef NullaryDelegate of Result
ResultNullaryDelegateAsync<T> = NullaryDelegateAsync<Result<T>>
a typedef for an async NullaryDelegate of Result
ResultUnary<T, S> = Unary<ValueResult<T>, S>
an unary function that returns a Result
ResultUnaryAsync<T, S> = Unary<FutureOr<ValueResult<T>>, S>
an unary async function that returns a Result ! differs from UnaryAsync ad it returns FutureOr instead of Future
ResultUnaryDelegate<T, S> = UnaryDelegate<Result<T>, S>
a typedef for an UnaryDelegate of Result
ResultUnaryDelegateAsync<T, S> = UnaryDelegateAsync<Result<T>, S>
a typedef for an async UnaryDelegate of Result
Unary<T, S> = T Function(S)
a typedef for a "unary" Function
UnaryAsync<T, S> = Unary<Future<T>, S>
UnaryDelegateAsync<T, S> = UnaryDelegate<Future<T>, S>
a typedef for an async UnaryDelegate
UnaryDelegateFutureOr<T, S> = UnaryDelegate<FutureOr<T>, S>
a typedef for an async UnaryDelegate
UnaryFutureOr<T, S> = Unary<FutureOr<T>, S>
UnaryVoid<T> = Unary<void, T>
a typedef for an Unary that returns a void
UnaryVoidAsync<T> = UnaryAsync<void, T>
a typedef for an UnaryAsync that returns a Future<void>
UnaryVoidDelegate<T> = UnaryDelegate<void, T>
a typedef for an UnaryDelegate that returns a void
UnaryVoidDelegateAsync<T> = UnaryDelegateAsync<void, T>
a typedef for an UnaryDelegateAsync that returns a Future<void>
UnaryVoidDelegateFutureOr<T> = UnaryDelegateFutureOr<void, T>
a typedef for an UnaryDelegateAsync that returns a Future<void>
UnaryVoidFutureOr<T> = UnaryFutureOr<void, T>
a typedef for an UnaryAsync that returns a Future<void>
VoidResultNullary = Nullary<VoidResult<void>>
an Nullary function that returns a VoidResult
VoidResultNullaryAsync = Nullary<FutureOr<VoidResult<void>>>
an Nullary async Function that returns a VoidResult
VoidResultNullaryDelegate = NullaryDelegate<VoidResult>
a typedef NullaryDelegate of VoidResult
VoidResultNullaryDelegateAsync = NullaryDelegateAsync<VoidResult>
a typedef for an async NullaryDelegate of VoidResult
VoidResultUnary<T> = Unary<VoidResult<void>, T>
an Nullary function that returns a VoidResult
VoidResultUnaryAsync<T> = Unary<FutureOr<VoidResult<void>>, T>
an Nullary async Function that returns a VoidResult
VoidResultUnaryDelegate<T> = UnaryDelegate<VoidResult, T>
a typedef for an UnaryDelegate of VoidResult
VoidResultUnaryDelegateAsync<T> = UnaryDelegateAsync<VoidResult, T>
a typedef for an async UnaryDelegate of VoidResult