x25519 library

Package curve25519 provides an implementation of the X25519 function, which performs scalar multiplication on the elliptic curve known as Curve25519. See RFC 7748.


KeyPair is the type of Curve25519 public/private key pair.


PointSize → const int
PointSize is the size of the point input to X25519.
ScalarSize → const int
ScalarSize is the size of the scalar input to X25519.


basePoint List<int>
getter/setter pair


checkBasepoint() → void
generateKeyPair() KeyPair
GenerateKey generates a public/private key pair using entropy from secure random.
ScalarBaseMult(List<int> dst, List<int> scalar) → void
ScalarBaseMult sets dst to the product scalar * base where base is the standard generator.
ScalarMult(List<int> dst, List<int> scalar, List<int> point) → void
ScalarMult sets dst to the product scalar * point.
X25519(List<int> scalar, List<int> point) Uint8List
X25519 returns the result of the scalar multiplication (scalar * point), according to RFC 7748, Section 5. scalar, point and the return value are slices of 32 bytes.
x25519(List<int> dst, List<int> scalar, List<int> point) Uint8List