repeat property

int repeat

Controls how many times the entire animation loop (forward and potentially backward if mirror is true) will be played. Regardless of the repeat value, the animation will always play through one complete cycle (forward and potentially backward) before considering the repeat condition.

Here's how repeat actually works:

  • repeat = -1 (default): Plays the animation indefinitely (loops forever).
  • repeat = 0: Plays the animation one time only (one cycle).
  • repeat = 1: Plays the animation twice (one complete loop, then repeats the entire loop again).
  • repeat > 1: Plays the animation for the specified number of loops in addition to the initial cycle. For example, repeat = 3 plays the animation four times in total (one initial cycle + three repeats).

In essence, the repeat property doesn't affect whether the animation plays one cycle initially. It controls how many times the entire loop repeats after the first cycle.


final int repeat;