render method

  1. @override
Element render(
  1. BuildContext context

Render the DOM element and add it to the context.


Element render(context) {
  if (controller?.isAttached == true &&
      controller?.element is TextAreaElement) {
    context.element = controller!.element;
    return controller!.element;

  final v = TextAreaElement();


  if (value != null) v.value = value;
  if (placeholder != null) v.placeholder = placeholder!;
  if (autofocus != null) v.autofocus = autofocus!;
  if (autocapitalize != null) v.autocapitalize = autocapitalize!;
  if (disabled != null) v.disabled = disabled!;
  if (readOnly != null) v.readOnly = readOnly!;

  return hook(context, v);