ws library


WebSocketClient Client
WebSocket client. With concurrency protection and reconnecting. Supports both web and io platforms.
Whether the stream controller is permanently closed.
Connection is closed temporarily or permanently. WebSocket client state.
Connection has not yet been established. WebSocket client state.
Connection is in the process of closing. WebSocket client state.
Connection is open and ready to communicate. WebSocket client state.
Stream of message events handled by this WebSocket.
WebSocket metrics.


WebSocketReadyState Entity
The IWebSocketPlatformTransport.readyState property returns the current state of the WebSocket connection.
WebSocketStatusCodes Entity
Endpoints MAY use the following pre-defined status codes when sending a Close frame. Web API RFC 6455, Section 7.4.1

Exceptions / Errors

WSClientClosed Entity
The operation was not allowed by the object.
WSException Entity
This is a custom exception class for WebSocket. Do not confuse it with a native exception WebSocketException from dart:io
WSHttpException Entity
Exception thrown when a socket operation fails.
WSNotConnected Entity
Exception thrown when a WebSocket is not connected.
WSSocketException Entity
Exception thrown when a socket operation fails.
WSUnknownException Entity
Unknown WebSocket exception.
WSUnsupportedException Entity
The operation was not allowed by the object.