maybeWhen<R> static method

R maybeWhen<R>({
  1. required R orElse(),
  2. R android()?,
  3. R fuchsia()?,
  4. R iOS()?,
  5. R linux()?,
  6. R macOS()?,
  7. R web()?,
  8. R windows()?,

Invokes the given function based on the current platform.

Example usage:

  android: () => print('Running on Android'),
  iOS: () => print('Running on iOS'),
  orElse: () => print('Running on other platform'),

The orElse function is required and will be called if no specific platform function is provided or if the current platform does not match any of the provided platform functions.

The optional platform-specific functions (android, fuchsia, iOS, linux, macOS, web, windows) will be called if the current platform matches the respective platform.

Returns the result of the invoked function.


static R maybeWhen<R>({
  required R Function() orElse,
  R Function()? android,
  R Function()? fuchsia,
  R Function()? iOS,
  R Function()? linux,
  R Function()? macOS,
  R Function()? web,
  R Function()? windows,
}) {
  if (kIsWeb) return web?.call() ?? orElse(); // IO is not available on Web.
  switch (defaultTargetPlatform) {
      return android?.call() ?? orElse();

    case TargetPlatform.iOS:
      return iOS?.call() ?? orElse();

    case TargetPlatform.macOS:
      return macOS?.call() ?? orElse();

      return windows?.call() ?? orElse();

    case TargetPlatform.linux:
      return linux?.call() ?? orElse();

    case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
      return fuchsia?.call() ?? orElse();