delayed<T> method
Executes a callback
function after the current duration has passed.
The callback
is an optional function that returns a FutureOr<T>
allowing for both synchronous and asynchronous operations within the
. If no callback
is provided, the method simply waits for the
duration to complete before resolving the returned Future.
The method returns a Future<T>
which completes after the duration has
elapsed and the callback
(if provided) has finished executing.
Duration(seconds: 3).delayed(() {
// This callback is executed after a delay of 3 seconds.
return 'Result after delay';
}).then((result) {
print(result); // Prints: 'Result after delay'
Future<T> delayed<T>([FutureOr<T> Function()? callback]) =>
Future<T>.delayed(this, callback);