copyWith method
- List<
String> ? alternateSymbols, - String? code,
- String? codeNumeric,
- String? decimalMark,
- String? disambiguateSymbol,
- String? htmlEntity,
- String? name,
- List<
String> ? namesNative, - int? priority,
- int? smallestDenomination,
- String? subunit,
- int? subunitToUnit,
- String? symbol,
- String? thousandsSeparator,
- List<
TranslatedName> ? translations, - bool? unitFirst,
Creates a new instance of FiatCurrency with updated properties.
The optional named parameters can be used to specify new values for the corresponding properties. If a named parameter is not provided, the corresponding property is copied from the original instance.
Example usage:
const taka = FiatBdt();
final shortTaka = taka.copyWith(name: 'Taka');
FiatCurrency copyWith({
List<String>? alternateSymbols,
String? code,
String? codeNumeric,
String? decimalMark,
String? disambiguateSymbol,
String? htmlEntity,
String? name,
List<String>? namesNative,
int? priority,
int? smallestDenomination,
String? subunit,
int? subunitToUnit,
String? symbol,
String? thousandsSeparator,
List<TranslatedName>? translations,
bool? unitFirst,
}) =>
code: code ?? this.code,
name: name ??,
namesNative: namesNative ?? this.namesNative,
codeNumeric: codeNumeric ?? this.codeNumeric,
translations: translations ?? this.translations,
alternateSymbols: alternateSymbols ?? this.alternateSymbols,
disambiguateSymbol: disambiguateSymbol ?? this.disambiguateSymbol,
htmlEntity: htmlEntity ?? this.htmlEntity,
priority: priority ?? this.priority,
smallestDenomination: smallestDenomination ?? this.smallestDenomination,
subunit: subunit ?? this.subunit,
subunitToUnit: subunitToUnit ?? this.subunitToUnit,
unitFirst: unitFirst ?? this.unitFirst,
symbol: symbol ?? this.symbol,
decimalMark: decimalMark ?? this.decimalMark,
thousandsSeparator: thousandsSeparator ?? this.thousandsSeparator,