CountryKen constructor

const CountryKen()

Creates a instance of CountryKen (Kenya country).

ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 code: "KEN", ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code: "KE".


const CountryKen()
    : super(
        name: const CountryName(
          language: LangEng(),
          official: "Republic of Kenya",
          common: "Kenya",
        namesNative: const [
            language: LangEng(),
            official: "Republic of Kenya",
            common: "Kenya",
            language: LangSwa(),
            official: "Republic of Kenya",
            common: "Kenya",
        tld: const [".ke"],
        code: "KEN",
        codeNumeric: "404",
        codeShort: "KE",
        cioc: "KEN",
        independent: true,
        unMember: true,
        currencies: const [FiatKes()],
        idd: const Idd(root: 2, suffixes: [54]),
        altSpellings: const ["KE", "Republic of Kenya", "Jamhuri ya Kenya"],
        continent: const Africa(),
        subregion: const EasternAfrica(),
        languages: const [LangEng(), LangSwa()],
        translations: kenCountryTranslations,
        latLng: const LatLng(1, 38),
        landlocked: false,
        bordersCodes: const ["Eth", "Som", "Ssd", "Tza", "Uga"],
        areaMetric: 580367,
        demonyms: const [
          Demonyms(language: LangEng(), female: "Kenyan", male: "Kenyan"),
          Demonyms(language: LangFra(), female: "Kényane", male: "Kényan"),
        emoji: "🇰🇪",
        maps: const Maps(
          googleMaps: "Ni9M7wcCxf8bJHLX8",
          openStreetMaps: "relation/192798",
        population: 53771300,
        gini: const Gini(year: 2015, coefficient: 40.8),
        fifa: "KEN",
        car: const Car(sign: "EAK", isRightSide: false),
        timezones: const ["UTC+03:00"],
        hasCoatOfArms: true,
        startOfWeek: Weekday.monday,
        capitalInfo: const CapitalInfo(
          capital: Capital("Nairobi"),
          latLng: LatLng(-1.28, 36.82),
        postalCode: const PostalCode(),
        regionalBlocs: const [BlocAU()],