validator method

RegExp validator({
  1. bool multiLine = false,
  2. bool caseSensitive = true,
  3. bool unicode = false,
  4. bool dotAll = false,

Returns a RegExp object that can be used to validate postal codes.

The returned RegExp object is based on the regExpPattern field of this PostalCode object. The multiLine, caseSensitive, unicode, and dotAll parameters can be used to customize the behavior of the RegExp object.

Example usage:

const postalCode = PostalCode(
  format: "#####-####",
  regExpPattern: r"^(\d{5}(-\d{4})?)$",
final postalCodeValidator = postalCode.validator();
final isValid = postalCodeValidator.hasMatch("12345-6789");
print(isValid); // Prints: true


RegExp validator({
  bool multiLine = false,
  bool caseSensitive = true,
  bool unicode = false,
  bool dotAll = false,
}) =>
      multiLine: multiLine,
      caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
      unicode: unicode,
      dotAll: dotAll,