serverFromAnnotations function

Server serverFromAnnotations({
  1. Iterable<String>? pipelines,
  2. Iterable<String>? libraries,
  3. bool scanAllFileLibraries = true,
  4. bool ignoreUnusedAnnotations = false,

Creates a Server and populates pipelines with rules from annotations.

By default (if no pipelines are specified), it creates a server with a single default pipeline. And that pipeline is automatically populated with rules based from Handles annotations that are found on request handler functions.

If a list of pipeline names is provided in pipelines, those pipelines are created and automatically populated with rules. Those Handles annotations must specify the name of the pipeline they are for. Note: when a list of pipeline names is provided, the default pipeline is not created unless the ServerPipeline.defaultName explicitly appears as one of the names in the list.

Important: the list of libraries must be correct, otherwise it may not find all the annotations. Please see the documentation on serverPipelineFromAnnotations for details about the libraries and scanAllFileLibraries parameters.

Library names are usually of the form "package:pname/lname.dart".

final ws = serverFromAnnotations(
  libraries: ['package:foo/foo.dart', 'package:bar/bar.dart'])

Throws a LibraryNotFound if one or more of the explicitly identified libraries does not exist.

Throws an ArgumentError if there are Handles annotations that have not been used (i.e. their pipeline names don't appear in pipelines) and ignoreUnusedAnnotations is false (which is the default). This usually indicates a error in the code, since the function the annotation is on will probably never get invoked. Remove the offending annotation(s), or set ignoreUnusedAnnotations to true.


Server serverFromAnnotations(
    {Iterable<String>? pipelines,
    Iterable<String>? libraries,
    bool scanAllFileLibraries = true,
    bool ignoreUnusedAnnotations = false}) {
  final server = Server();

  // Make sure annotations from the desired libraries have been scanned
  // This step is important, since the pipelines could be an empty list and
  // the libraries do need to be scanned before attempting to retrieve a
  // server exception handler.

  try {
    _annotations.scan(libraries ?? [],
        scanAllFileLibraries: scanAllFileLibraries);
  } on LibraryNotFound catch (e) {
    // Throw this exception from here, to avoid confusing programmers with a
    // stack trace that includes internal details that are irrelevant to
    // debugging their code.
    // This exception means one or more of the values in [libraries] does
    // not exist in the program. Solution: remove or fix the offending value.
    // Library names are usually of the form "package:pname/lname.dart".
    // Don't know what library values to use? Set the logging level for
    // "woomera.handles" to FINEST to log the URIs for the libraries that
    // are scanned or skipped.

    // ignore: use_rethrow_when_possible
    throw e;

  // Remove the initial pipeline that the Server constructor creates


  // Create all the requested pipelines

  for (final name in pipelines ?? [ServerPipeline.defaultName]) {
    // Note: this won't need to scan the libraries, because they have already
    // been scanned above.
    final newPipeline = serverPipelineFromAnnotations(name, libraries,
        scanAllFileLibraries: scanAllFileLibraries);


  // Set the server exception handler from annotations

  final seh = _annotations.findServerExceptionHandler();
  if (seh != null) {
    server.exceptionHandler = seh.handler;

  // Set the server raw exception handler from annotations

  final sreh = _annotations.findServerRawExceptionHandler();
  if (sreh != null) {
    server.exceptionHandlerRaw = sreh.handler;

  // Check if all the _Handles_ annotations have been used.
  // If they haven't, throw an exception. That is less confusing than having
  // the program run, but some things mysteriously not working as expected.

  if (!ignoreUnusedAnnotations) {
    final notUsed = _annotations.checkForUnusedAnnotations();
    if (notUsed.isNotEmpty) {
      // Solution: fix the program by removing the unused annotations.
      // If the program deliberately has unused annotations, invoke this
      // constructor with [ignoreUnusedAnnotations]=true to skip this check.

      final noun = notUsed.length == 1 ? 'annotation' : 'annotations';

      throw ArgumentError('Handles $noun not used by the pipelines:\n'
          '  ${notUsed.join('\n  ')}\n'
          '  [${notUsed.length} unused $noun]');

  return server;