serverPipelineFromAnnotations function

ServerPipeline serverPipelineFromAnnotations(
  1. String pipelineName,
  2. Iterable<String>? libraries, {
  3. bool scanAllFileLibraries = true,

Creates pipeline and populates it with rules from annotations.

Create a pipeline and automatically populates it with rules based from Handles annotations that are found on request handler functions. The Handles annotations must have the same pipelineName for it to be used.

Important: provide the correct values in libraries, otherwise the annotations might not be found.

When scanning the program for annotations, it only looks in libraries explicitly listed in libraries. Unless scanAllFileLibraries is true (which is the default), in which case all libraries with a "file" scheme are scanned, even if they don't appear in the list of libraries.

Library names are usually of the form "package:pname/lname.dart".

Every part of a Dart problem belongs to a library which is identified by a URI. Libraries with a URI scheme of "dart" are never scanned (even if they are listed in libraries). For example, "dart:io" is a library that is never scanned. Libraries with a URI scheme of "package" are also common, and the libraries that you want scanned must be listed. If you find an annotated request handler is not getting invoked, check if its library has been included in the list.

Libraries must be listed for them to be scanned. Firstly, because it is inefficient to scan all the libraries of the program: third party packages won't have any Handles annotations. Secondly, for security, since you don't want a third-party package from adding request handlers that you don't know about.


ServerPipeline serverPipelineFromAnnotations(
    String pipelineName, Iterable<String>? libraries,
    {bool scanAllFileLibraries = true}) {
  final pipeline = ServerPipeline(pipelineName);

  // Make sure annotations from the desired libraries have been scanned

  _annotations.scan(libraries ?? [],
      scanAllFileLibraries: scanAllFileLibraries);

  // Set the request handlers from annotations

  var haveRequestHandlers = false;
  for (final arh in _annotations.listRequestHandlers( {
    try {
      pipeline.registerPattern(arh.httpMethod, arh.pattern, arh.handler);
    } on DuplicateRule catch (e) {
      // Since Mirrors is available, use the enhanced exception that can
      // show where the existing handler came from
      throw DuplicateRuleWithExistingHandler(
          e.method, e.pattern, e.newHandler, e.existingHandler);
    haveRequestHandlers = true;

  if (!haveRequestHandlers) {
    // Usually a programming error, since there is no point in creating a
    // pipeline with no request handlers. Check the pipeline name is correct
    // and if the library the annotation has been defined in is listed
    // in the _libraries_ parameter. If the annotation is on a function that
    // is not in any library, ensure _scanAllFileLibraries_ is set to true.

    final rest =
        scanAllFileLibraries ? '' : ' and/or set scanAllFileLibraries to true';

    throw ArgumentError.value(
        'no Handles annotations on request handlers exist for this pipeline'
            ' (check ...FromAnnotations() was called with a list of libraries'
            ' like "package:foo/foo.dart"$rest');

  // Set the pipeline exception handler from annotations

  final apeh = _annotations.findPipelineExceptionHandler(;
  if (apeh != null) {
    pipeline.exceptionHandler = apeh.handler;

  // Record that annotations with the name have been used to create a pipeline


  return pipeline;