dumpServer function

String dumpServer(
  1. Server server, {
  2. String functionName = 'serverBuilder',
  3. String libraryName = '',
  4. Iterable<String> importedLibraries = const <String>[],
  5. bool includeDartVersionComment = false,
  6. bool timestamp = true,
  7. bool locations = true,
  8. bool includeDumpServerStub = true,

Experimental function to dump a server that was created from annotations

Warning: there is no guarantee this function will be available, or behave the same, in future versions.

The aim is to allow a program to be developed using annotations, and then using this function to produce code with explicit registrations for use in production. That way, the convenience of annotations can be used during development, but the production code doesn't need to use those annotations This allows the production code to be compiled using dart compile, which cannot be used with the mirrors package (which is needed to find the annotations).

The generated code has a single function called functionName.

If libraryName has a value, a "part of" statement for it is generated.

The library names in importedLibraries (along with libraryName, if it is provided) are suppressed from the function names in the generated code.

If timestamp is false, no created timestamp comment is generated. The default is true.

If locations is false, no "from" comments are generated. The default is true.

To support the use of non-null safe Dart code, set includeDartVersionComment to true, so a "@dart=2.9" version comment is generated. This is needed for code that runs with a version of Dart that is 2.12 or greater, but it has not been updated for null safety.

By default, a stub for dumpServer is included in the generated code. It is needed because that function is defined when "woomera/woomera.dart" is imported, but is not defined in "woomera/core.dart". To not include the stub, set includeDumpServerStub to false.

Suggested usage

During development, have a separate source file that contains a single function to build a Server by invoking the serverFromAnnotations function.

This will be referred to as the dynamic code, since it dynamically sets up the handlers at runtime by scanning the program for annotations.

For example:

part of foobar;  // pass 'foobar' to `dumpServer` as `libraryName`

Server serverBuilder(
   {Iterable<String> pipelines = const <String>[ServerPipeline.defaultName],
     Iterable<String> libraries = const <String>[],
     bool scanAllFileLibraries = true,
     bool ignoreUnusedAnnotations = false}) =>
     libraries: libraries,
     scanAllFileLibraries: scanAllFileLibraries,
     ignoreUnusedAnnotations: ignoreUnusedAnnotations);

// EOF

The programs needs a special mode where it:

  1. Invokes that function to set up the server dynamically from annotations.
  2. Invoke dumpServer to generate the static code.
  3. Save the static code to a new source file.
  4. Exit the program.

The static code sets up the handlers using explicit method calls instead of using the annotations.

  1. Invoke the program in that special mode to produce the static code.

  2. Replace the dynamic code file with the generated static code file (saving the dynamic code file so it can be later restored).

  3. Change the program's import from package:woomera/woomera.dart to package:woomera/core.dart.

The program can then be compiled with dart comiple, because it no longer needs the Dart Mirrors package.

To return to development mode, restore the program to the way it was:

  1. Change the import from package:woomera/core.dart to import package:woomera/woomera.dart.

  2. Restore the original dynamic code file.


On Unix-like systems, the process could look something like this:

# Generate static code and replace the dynamic code with it

bin/my_program.dart --dump-server > static_code.tmp
mv lib/src/server_setup.dart lib/src/server_setup.bak
mv static_code.tmp lib/src/server_setup.dart

# Change import for woomera.dart to core.dart

mv bin/my_program.dart bin/my_program.bak
sed 's/woomera\.dart/core\.dart/' bin/my_program.bak > bin/my_program.dart

# Run dart2compile

dart2compile  -o build/bin/my_program  bin/my_program.dart

# Restore import back to woomera.dart

mv bin/my_program.bak bin/my_program.dart

# Restore dynamic code

mv lib/src/server_setup.bak lib/src/server_setup.dart

Known limitations

If a handlerWrapper is used to convert the annotated function into a RequestHandler function, the first argument to the handlerWrapper is not preserved. When creating servers/pipelines using annotations, the first argument passed to the handlerWrapper is the annotation itself (i.e. the Handler object). So it is not available when the annotations are not being used.


String dumpServer(Server server,
    {String functionName = 'serverBuilder',
    String libraryName = '',
    Iterable<String> importedLibraries = const <String>[],
    bool includeDartVersionComment = false,
    bool timestamp = true,
    bool locations = true,
    bool includeDumpServerStub = true}) {
  final buf = StringBuffer('''
// Generated by the "dumpServer" function from the Woomera Dart package.
// <https://pub.dev/documentation/woomera/latest/scan/dumpServer.html>

  if (timestamp) {
    buf.write('//\n// Generated: ${DateTime.now().toUtc()}\n\n');

  if (includeDartVersionComment) {
    buf.write('// @dart=2.9\n\n');

  if (libraryName.isNotEmpty) {
    buf.write('part of $libraryName;\n\n');

  final libraryPrefixes = <String>[];
  if (libraryName.isNotEmpty) {
  for (var name in importedLibraries) {
    if (name.isNotEmpty) {

/// Creates a [Server] with all the [ServerPipelines] and handlers registered.

Server $functionName(
    {Iterable<String> pipelines = const <String>[ServerPipeline.defaultName],
    Iterable<String> libraries = const <String>[],
    bool scanAllFileLibraries = true,
    bool ignoreUnusedAnnotations = false}) {

  // Wrapper

  String wName;

  final _hw = Handles.handlerWrapper;
  if (_hw != null) {
    wName = _functionName(_hw, libraryPrefixes);
    final wLoc = _functionLocation(_hw);
    buf.write('\n  // Handles.handlerWrapper\n'
        '  const _wrap = $wName;');
    if (locations) {
      buf.write(' // from $wLoc');
  } else {
    wName = ''; // no wrapper function

  buf.write('  // The pipelines with their handlers\n\n');

  final pipelineVariables = <String>[];

  var num = 0;

  for (final p in server.pipelines) {
    final pipelineVariable = 'p${++num}';

    // This is the string displayed to represent the default pipeline name
    // value. It is actually the name of the constant itself, from the
    // [ServerPipeline] class, since this is generating code to reference it.

    const _def = 'ServerPipeline.defaultName';

    final nameStr = p.name != ServerPipeline.defaultName ? "'${p.name}'" : _def;

    buf.write('  final $pipelineVariable = ServerPipeline($nameStr)');

    // Pipeline's exception handler

    final _eh = p.exceptionHandler;
    if (_eh != null) {
      final loc = _functionLocation(_eh);
      final fName = _functionName(_eh, libraryPrefixes);

      buf.write('\n    ..exceptionHandler = $fName');
      if (locations) {
        buf.write(' // from $loc');

    // Pipeline's request handlers

    for (final method in p.methods()) {
      for (final rule in p.rules(method)) {
        // Find the annotation that created it (before any handlerWrapper)

        final e = _annotations._found[p.name];
        final entry = e != null
            ? e.singleWhere(
                (a) => a.httpMethod == method && a.pattern == rule.pattern)
            : null;

        // If an entry was found, use the function it was annotating.
        // Otherwise, the handler didn't come from an annotation (i.e. it was
        // explicitly registered), so use the rule's handler function.

        final func = entry?.annotatedFunction ?? rule.handler;

        var fName = _functionName(func, libraryPrefixes); // the function

        if (entry != null && wName.isNotEmpty) {
          // Wrapper exists: wrap the function name

          final handlesArgs = <String>[

          if (entry.priority != 0) {
            handlesArgs.add('priority: ${entry.priority}');
          if (entry.pipelineName != ServerPipeline.defaultName) {
            handlesArgs.add("pipeline: '${entry.pipelineName}'");

          // Code that wraps the function
          fName =
              '_wrap(const Handles.request(${handlesArgs.join(', ')}), $fName)';

        final convenience = {'GET': 'get', 'POST': 'post'}[method];
        if (convenience != null) {
          buf.write("\n    ..$convenience('${rule.pattern}', $fName)");
        } else {
          buf.write("\n    ..register('$method', '${rule.pattern}', $fName)");
        if (locations) {
          final loc = _functionLocation(func);
          buf.write(' // from $loc');

    buf.write('\n    ;\n\n');

  // Code to create the server and register the request handlers

  buf.write('  // Creating a server with the pipelines\n\n'
      '  return Server(numberOfPipelines: 0)');

  // Server exception handler

  if (server.isCustomExceptionHandler) {
    // Dump code to set the server exception handler

    final loc = _functionLocation(server.exceptionHandler);
    final fName = _functionName(server.exceptionHandler, libraryPrefixes);

    buf.write('\n    ..exceptionHandler = $fName');
    if (locations) {
      buf.write(' // from $loc');

  // Server raw exception handler

  if (server.isCustomRawExceptionHandler) {
    // Dump code to set the raw exception handler

    final loc = _functionLocation(server.exceptionHandlerRaw);
    final fName = _functionName(server.exceptionHandlerRaw, libraryPrefixes);

    buf.write('\n    ..exceptionHandlerRaw = $fName');
    if (locations) {
      buf.write(' // from $loc');

  buf.write(' \n    ..pipelines.addAll([${pipelineVariables.join(', ')}]);\n'

  // Stub for dump_server

  if (includeDumpServerStub) {

/// Dump server stub
/// This code is generated by `dumpServer` and should not be invoked.
/// This is included in this generated static code because the
/// 'woomera/core.dart' library does not implement the `dumpServer`.
/// To use the real `dumpServer`, remove this file and import
/// 'woomera/woomera.dart' instead of 'woomera/core.dart'.

String dumpServer(Server server,
        {String functionName = 'serverBuilder',
        String libraryName = '',
        Iterable<String> importedLibraries = const <String>[],
        bool includeDartVersionComment = false,
        bool timestamp = true,
        bool locations = true,
        bool includeDumpServerStub = true}) =>
    throw StateError('dumpServer in dumpServer generated code cannot be used');

// EOF

  return buf.toString();