S class




analysis_user_info_fail String
failed to parse user information
no setter
anonymous String
no setter
auth_insufficient String
insufficient user permissions
no setter
ble_connection_fail String
Bluetooth connection fail
no setter
ble_device_initialized String
The device was initialized
no setter
ble_red_fail String
ble Failed to read data
no setter
ble_send_data_timeout String
Send data timeout
no setter
ble_write_fail String
Bluetooth write failed
no setter
bleDeviceInitialized String
The device was initialized
no setter
bleLackConnectPermissionBluetooth String
Missing the Bluetooth connection permission
no setter
bleLackLocationPermission String
Lack of location permissions
no setter
bleLackPermissionBluetooth String
There is a lack of Bluetooth permission
no setter
bleLackScanPermissionBluetooth String
The Bluetooth scan permission is missing
no setter
bleOtaFail String
The Bluetooth firmware upgrade has failed
no setter
bleReadDataOvertime String
Read data timeout
no setter
bleUpdateMtuOvertime String
Modify the mtu timeout
no setter
bleWriteDataOvertime String
Write data timeout
no setter
bluetooth_is_not_on String
Bluetooth is not on
no setter
bluetooth_not_supported String
Bluetooth is not supported
no setter
cancel String
no setter
certification_timeout String
Certification timeout
no setter
characteristicsFail String
Failed to get features
no setter
chooseAlbum String
Choose from the album
no setter
ciphertext_format_error String
ciphertext format is not json
no setter
cmd_anonymousl String
the device has no record
no setter
cmd_bag_wrong String
packet receiving error
no setter
cmd_card_close String
ic card function off
no setter
cmd_card_exist String
card already exists
no setter
cmd_card_full String
card full
no setter
cmd_cmd_error String
command error
no setter
cmd_exe_fail String
execution failed
no setter
cmd_face_anticlockwise String
the face deviates counterclockwise
no setter
cmd_face_bottom String
face downward deviation
no setter
cmd_face_clockwise String
the face deviates clockwise
no setter
cmd_face_exist String
the face already exists
no setter
cmd_face_full String
face full
no setter
cmd_face_illegal String
illegal face
no setter
cmd_face_keep_left String
the face is too left
no setter
cmd_face_keep_right String
the face is too right
no setter
cmd_face_keep_top String
the face is too close
no setter
cmd_face_keet_bottom String
the face is too low
no setter
cmd_face_left String
the face deviates to the left
no setter
cmd_face_max String
the detected face is too big
no setter
cmd_face_min String
the detected face is too small
no setter
cmd_face_not_exist String
face does not exist
no setter
cmd_face_right String
the face deviates to the right
no setter
cmd_face_top String
face upward deviation
no setter
cmd_face_vague String
face blur
no setter
cmd_fingerprint_full String
fingerprint full
no setter
cmd_id_exist String
id already exists
no setter
cmd_init_fail String
interface initialization failed
no setter
cmd_not_face String
no face detected
no setter
cmd_otaing String
no setter
cmd_other_error String
other errors
no setter
cmd_overtime String
no setter
cmd_parameter_incorrect String
the incoming parameter is incorrect
no setter
cmd_password_full String
password full
no setter
cmd_registration_fail String
registration failed
no setter
cmd_system_error String
system internal error
no setter
cmd_token_fail String
device token verification failed
no setter
cmd_up_to_date String
it is the latest version and does not need to be upgraded
no setter
cmd_wifi_connection_fail String
failed to connect wifi
no setter
cmd_wifi_not_find String
specified wifi not found
no setter
cmd_wifi_pwd_wrong String
wifi password error
no setter
connection_timeout String
Connection timeout
no setter
decryption_fail String
decryption failed
no setter
device_accept_auth_error String
the recipient does not have sufficient permissions on the current device
no setter
device_accept_grade_error String
received permission level exception
no setter
device_already_join String
a device has been associated with a device
no setter
device_already_place String
the device already exists
no setter
device_ask_timeout String
device request timeout
no setter
device_auth_error String
insufficient device permissions
no setter
device_auth_grade_same String
cannot execute with the same permission and level
no setter
device_auth_high_grade String
your current device permission and level are higher than or equal to the permission of the sender
no setter
device_auth_high_level String
your current device permission is higher than that of the sender
no setter
device_auth_same_grade_min String
the same level of permission is too low to execute
no setter
device_auth_time_error String
insufficient permission or abnormal device validity
no setter
device_before_time String
the validity period of the device has not taken effect
no setter
device_binding String
the device has been bound
no setter
device_command_exception String
instruction error
no setter
device_exist String
The device already exists
no setter
device_firmware_file_null String
the device firmware file cannot be empty
no setter
device_freeze String
the device is frozen
no setter
device_info_fail String
failed to query device information
no setter
device_issue_cmd_timeout String
issuing instruction timeout
no setter
device_join_project String
a device has been associated with this project or other projects, and a device can only be associated once
no setter
device_join_projectlog String
a device has been associated with this directory or other directories, and a device can only be associated once
no setter
device_join_room String
a device has been associated with this room or other rooms, and a device can only be associated once
no setter
device_latest_version String
it is the latest version and does not need to be updated
no setter
device_model_exist String
the device model already exists
no setter
device_model_not_exist String
the device model does not exist
no setter
device_money_exception String
abnormal device recharge amount
no setter
device_no_oneself String
you cannot freeze your own permissions
no setter
device_no_user_auth String
user device permission does not exist
no setter
device_not_initialized String
The device is not initialized
no setter
device_on_line String
the device is not online
no setter
device_overdue String
device expired
no setter
device_qr_code_auth_info_error String
qr code permission information error
no setter
device_relations String
device relationship errors
no setter
device_share_qr_code_close String
the device qr code sharing page may have been closed
no setter
device_user_auth_insufficient String
the corresponding device permissions are insufficient
no setter
deviceUnboundGateway String
The device is unbound to the gateway
no setter
discoverServerFail String
Failed to find service
no setter
equipmentBusy String
Equipment is busy, please be later
no setter
execution_exception String
Execution Exception
no setter
failed_setting_state String
Failed to enter the setting state
no setter
failedGenerateFingerprintFeature String
Failed to generate a fingerprint feature
no setter
fast_init_net String
The first initialization requires the network
no setter
fingerprintingFailed String
Fingerprinting failed
no setter
freeze String
Permissions are frozen
no setter
gps_not_open String
GPS Not open
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
illegal_login String
illegal login
no setter
inhere_password_error String
original password verification failed
no setter
insufficientPermissions String
Insufficient permissions
no setter
interactive_data_failed String
Interactive data failed
no setter
interrupted_exception String
Interrupted Exception
no setter
lack_device_permissions String
Lack of device permissions
no setter
lack_pullback String
The callback function is missing
no setter
lack_room_auth String
you lack room permission
no setter
less_permissions String
Lack of permissions
no setter
listening_failed String
The listening failed
no setter
login_code_error String
verification code error
no setter
login_device_time_error String
time error / timestamp exception of login device
no setter
login_password_error String
password error
no setter
mqttPasswordError String
wrong password
no setter
no_bind_relay String
the device is not bound to a gateway
no setter
no_changes String
modification is not supported
no setter
no_query_info String
no available information found
no setter
no_room_info String
no room information obtained
no setter
no_wx_login String
wechat login is not enabled
no setter
noDevicesFound String
No equipment was found
no setter
noOperationalDevices String
There is no operational equipment
no setter
not_initialized String
Not initialized
no setter
not_manager_room_auth String
lack of permission to manage rooms
no setter
not_user_room_auth String
lack of user management permission for the room
no setter
notCheckedUpgrade String
Upgrade status is not checked
no setter
opening_time_reached String
Not effective
no setter
order_applications String
the order has applied for a refund
no setter
order_collection_info_fail String
the collection information of this commodity is wrong, please contact the administrator
no setter
order_created_fail String
order failed, and online payment is not enabled for goods
no setter
order_exception String
order status exception
no setter
order_no_auth String
no permission to manage this order
no setter
order_no_refund_info String
there are no refundable orders and / or the refundable order amount cannot meet the refund amount
no setter
order_not_device String
not a device recharge order
no setter
order_not_info String
no order found
no setter
order_not_other_extra String
not an extra order
no setter
order_not_room String
not a room payment order
no setter
order_not_share String
the order has been split, and there is no need to split it again
no setter
order_not_support_share String
splitting is not supported for orders
no setter
order_over_time String
the order has been traded for more than one year and cannot be refunded
no setter
order_refund_exception String
the refund amount is greater than the order amount
no setter
order_refund_order_no_info String
refund order information not found
no setter
order_repeat_handle String
order cannot be processed repeatedly
no setter
order_share_exception String
order splitting exception
no setter
order_sign_exception String
three party signature verification failed
no setter
order_status_not_ask String
order status does not meet splitting requirements
no setter
outstanding_initial_payment String
the first payment has not been made for the room
no setter
overdue String
Permission expired
no setter
param_error String
wrong parameters
no setter
param_not_complete String
parameter missing
no setter
password_length_error String
password length must be at least 7 digits
no setter
passwordExists String
Password already exists
no setter
permissions_frozen String
permission frozen
no setter
platform_affirm String
no setter
platform_cancel String
no setter
platform_fail String
no setter
platform_info_error String
platform information error
no setter
platform_net_error String
network anomaly
no setter
platform_no_pay String
payment is not enabled on the platform
no setter
platform_no_secret String
the platform does not have a secret set
no setter
platform_serverError String
Server exception
no setter
platform_success String
no setter
platform_trilateral_error_info String
error messages returned from third-party platforms
no setter
platform_trilateral_fail String
failed to obtain openid from a third-party platform
no setter
platform_unknown String
no setter
relationship_error String
user relationship error
no setter
repeat_init String
Repeat initialization
no setter
room_arrearage_error String
the room is in arrears
no setter
room_arrearage_first_money String
the room has expired and you need to complete the room payment first
no setter
room_atypism_pact String
the processed contract is inconsistent with the effective contract of the room
no setter
room_auth_error String
room rented
no setter
room_change_room_fail String
the total price of the remaining days of the old room cannot meet the price of the new room for at least one day
no setter
room_extra_and_room String
please pay the extra fee together with the room rent
no setter
room_extra_due String
all the additional fees have been paid
no setter
room_extra_no_have String
no order information with additional charges is queried
no setter
room_extra_order_on_finish String
there are unpaid additional charges in the room, and the payment of additional orders needs to be completed first
no setter
room_first_money String
you need to pay for the room first
no setter
room_incorrect_validity_period String
the room is not within the validity period
no setter
room_no String
there is no such room
no setter
room_other_order_delete_fail String
failed to delete an additional order
no setter
room_pact_finish String
all payment cycles of the contract have been completed
no setter
room_pact_not_completed String
the current contract of the room is not completed
no setter
room_relation_auth_error String
relationship or permission exception
no setter
room_rent_out_money String
the total rental amount cannot be less than the minimum amount of the room
no setter
room_state_error String
room status is abnormal, please check the room status
no setter
room_upper_occupancy_limit String
room occupancy has reached the online level
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scan_time_out String
Scan timeout
no setter
sign_error String
signature error
no setter
sign_exception String
signature exception
no setter
sign_time_stamp_error String
timestamp error
no setter
system_auth String
insufficient permissions
no setter
system_error String
system exception
no setter
system_processing String
no setter
takePicture String
take a picture
no setter
timeout_exception String
Equipment execution timeout
no setter
token_error String
token exception
no setter
user_exist String
the user already exists
no setter
user_password_notnull String
password cannot be empty
no setter
user_pay_account_number String
lack of collection account
no setter
user_same_password String
the new password cannot be the same as the original password
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

current S
no setter

Static Methods

load(Locale locale) Future<S>
maybeOf(BuildContext context) S?
of(BuildContext context) S


delegate → const AppLocalizationDelegate