ExtCreatePen function gdi32

int ExtCreatePen(
  1. int iPenStyle,
  2. int cWidth,
  3. Pointer<LOGBRUSH> plbrush,
  4. int cStyle,
  5. Pointer<Uint32> pstyle,

The ExtCreatePen function creates a logical cosmetic or geometric pen that has the specified style, width, and brush attributes.

HPEN ExtCreatePen(
  DWORD          iPenStyle,
  DWORD          cWidth,
  const LOGBRUSH *plbrush,
  DWORD          cStyle,
  const DWORD    *pstyle


int ExtCreatePen(int iPenStyle, int cWidth, Pointer<LOGBRUSH> plbrush,
        int cStyle, Pointer<Uint32> pstyle) =>
    _ExtCreatePen(iPenStyle, cWidth, plbrush, cStyle, pstyle);