netapi32 topic

Network Management API

The network management functions provide the ability to manage user accounts and network resources.


NetFreeAadJoinInformation(Pointer<DSREG_JOIN_INFO> pJoinInfo) → void netapi32
Frees the memory allocated for the specified DSREG_JOIN_INFO structure, which contains join information for a tenant and which you retrieved by calling the NetGetAadJoinInformation function.
NetFreeAadJoinInformation(Pointer<DSREG_JOIN_INFO> pJoinInfo) → void netapi32
Frees the memory allocated for the specified DSREG_JOIN_INFO structure, which contains join information for a tenant and which you retrieved by calling the NetGetAadJoinInformation function.
NetGetAadJoinInformation(Pointer<Utf16> pcszTenantId, Pointer<Pointer<DSREG_JOIN_INFO>> ppJoinInfo) int netapi32
Retrieves the join information for the specified tenant. This function examines the join information for Microsoft Azure Active Directory and the work account that the current user added.
NetGetAadJoinInformation(Pointer<Utf16> pcszTenantId, Pointer<Pointer<DSREG_JOIN_INFO>> ppJoinInfo) int netapi32
Retrieves the join information for the specified tenant. This function examines the join information for Microsoft Azure Active Directory and the work account that the current user added.