stopApplication method
the SimpleFrameApp subclass can override with application-specific code if necessary
Future<void> stopApplication() async {
currentState = ApplicationState.stopping;
if (mounted) setState(() {});
// send a break to stop the Lua app loop on Frame
await frame!.sendBreakSignal();
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
// only if there are lua files uploaded to Frame (e.g. frame_app.lua companion app, other helper functions, minified versions)
List<String> luaFiles = _filterLuaFiles(
(await AssetManifest.loadFromAssetBundle(rootBundle)).listAssets());
if (luaFiles.isNotEmpty) {
// clean up by deregistering any handler
await frame!.sendString('frame.bluetooth.receive_callback(nil);print(0)',
awaitResponse: true);
for (var file in luaFiles) {
// delete any prior scripts
await frame!.sendString(
awaitResponse: true);
currentState = ApplicationState.connected;
if (mounted) setState(() {});