
Deprecation Notice

The wifi_info_flutter plugin has been replaced by the Flutter Community Plus Plugins version, network_info_plus. Consider migrating to network_info_plus and its Tizen implementation network_info_plus_tizen.

pub package

The Tizen implementation of wifi_info_flutter.


This package is not an endorsed implementation of wifi_info_flutter. Therefore, you have to include wifi_info_flutter_tizen alongside wifi_info_flutter as dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file.

  wifi_info_flutter: ^2.0.0
  wifi_info_flutter_tizen: ^2.0.1

Then you can import wifi_info_flutter in your Dart code:

import 'package:wifi_info_flutter/wifi_info_flutter.dart';

For detailed usage, see https://pub.dev/packages/wifi_info_flutter#usage.

Required privileges

To get network information using this plugin, add below lines under the <manifest> section in your tizen-manifest.xml file,


For detailed information on Tizen privileges, see Tizen Docs: API Privileges.
