builder library


addonsConfigsBuilder(BuilderOptions options) → Builder
Generates a JSON file that contains information about the addons config. The JSON file is sent by Widgetbook CLI to Widgetbook Cloud when a build is pushed.
appBuilder(BuilderOptions options) → Builder
Builder for the App annotation. Creates exactly one .g.dart file next to the file containing the App annotation.
componentsBuilder(BuilderOptions options) → Builder
reportTelemetry(BuilderOptions options) → Builder
Tracks some usage statistics to help us improve Widgetbook. For more info:
storyBuilder(BuilderOptions options) → Builder
useCaseBuilder(BuilderOptions options) → Builder
Builder for the UseCase annotation. Creates a .usecase.widgetbook.json file for each .dart file containing the UseCase annotation. The file contains a list of UseCaseMetadata json objects representing the annotated elements. These files are used later on by other builders to generate more code.