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package:widgetbook_generator allows to generate and setup code for package:widgetbook which simplifies using and maintaining Widgetbook.

Before you start

We recommend reading the documentation of package:widgetbook before you start with this package.


This package requires the following dependencies:

Package Pub
package:widgetbook Pub Version
package:widgetbook_annotation Pub Version

and the following dev dependencies:

Package Pub
package:widgetbook_generator Pub Version
package:build_runner Pub Version

The pubspec.yaml file could look like this:




The generator works with the annotations documented at package:widgetbook_annotation.

Run the generator

The generator defined in this package uses package:build_runner to generate the desired code.

You can execute the generator by running flutter pub run build_runner build.

If you are making a lot of changes while developing, you can also run flutter pub run build_runner watch so package:build_runner will listen for changes in the file system and update Widgetbook accordingly.

Start the generated app

The generator will create the app.widgetbook.dart file in the same directory as the file in which @WidgetbookApp is used. For details about this, see the documentation of package:widgetbook_annotation.

Start the app by running flutter run lib/app.widgetbook.dart.

Hot reloading

Hot reloading of changes in Widgetbook works out of the box. For limitations see package:widgetbook.

Let us know how you feel about Widgetbook

We are funded and aim to shape Widgetbook to your (and your team's) needs. If you have questions, feature requests or issues let us know on Discord or GitHub or book a call with the founders via Calendly. We're looking forward to build a community and discuss your feedback on our channel! 💙