DrivenChipStyle class

Create a ChipStyle when some events occurs

Implemented types


DrivenChipStyle({SheetVariant? variant, SheetSeverity? severity, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Clip? clipBehavior, bool? overlayDisabled, Color? overlayColor, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTint, double? elevation, TextStyle? foregroundStyle, Color? foregroundColor, double? foregroundOpacity, int? foregroundAlpha, double? foregroundSpacing, bool? foregroundLoosen, bool? foregroundExpanded, CrossAxisAlignment? foregroundAlign, MainAxisAlignment? foregroundJustify, Color? backgroundColor, double? backgroundOpacity, int? backgroundAlpha, Color? borderColor, double? borderOpacity, int? borderAlpha, double? borderWidth, BorderRadius? borderRadius, BorderStyle? borderStyle, Color? iconColor, double? iconOpacity, double? iconSize, Color? checkmarkColor, double? checkmarkSize, double? checkmarkWeight, StrokeStyle? checkmarkStyle, AvatarStyle? avatarStyle, ChipStyle? selectedStyle, ChipStyle? disabledStyle, ChipStyle? hoveredStyle, ChipStyle? focusedStyle, ChipStyle? pressedStyle, bool? mergeResolved})
Create a raw DrivenChipStyle.
DrivenChipStyle.elevated({Color? color, SheetSeverity? severity, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Clip? clipBehavior, bool? overlayDisabled, Color? overlayColor, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTint, double? elevation, TextStyle? foregroundStyle, Color? foregroundColor, double? foregroundOpacity, int? foregroundAlpha, double? foregroundSpacing, bool? foregroundLoosen, bool? foregroundExpanded, CrossAxisAlignment? foregroundAlign, MainAxisAlignment? foregroundJustify, double? backgroundOpacity, int? backgroundAlpha, double? borderOpacity, int? borderAlpha, double? borderWidth, BorderRadius? borderRadius, BorderStyle? borderStyle = BorderStyle.none, Color? iconColor, double? iconOpacity, double? iconSize, Color? checkmarkColor, double? checkmarkSize, double? checkmarkWeight, StrokeStyle? checkmarkStyle, AvatarStyle? avatarStyle, ChipStyle? selectedStyle, ChipStyle? disabledStyle, ChipStyle? hoveredStyle, ChipStyle? focusedStyle, ChipStyle? pressedStyle, bool? mergeResolved})
Create a DrivenChipStyle with default value for elevated style.
DrivenChipStyle.filled({Color? color, SheetSeverity? severity, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Clip? clipBehavior, bool? overlayDisabled, Color? overlayColor, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTint, double? elevation, TextStyle? foregroundStyle, Color? foregroundColor, double? foregroundOpacity, int? foregroundAlpha, double? foregroundSpacing, bool? foregroundLoosen, bool? foregroundExpanded, CrossAxisAlignment? foregroundAlign, MainAxisAlignment? foregroundJustify, double? backgroundOpacity, int? backgroundAlpha, double? borderOpacity, int? borderAlpha, double? borderWidth, BorderRadius? borderRadius, BorderStyle? borderStyle = BorderStyle.none, Color? iconColor, double? iconOpacity, double? iconSize, Color? checkmarkColor, double? checkmarkSize, double? checkmarkWeight, StrokeStyle? checkmarkStyle, AvatarStyle? avatarStyle, ChipStyle? selectedStyle, ChipStyle? disabledStyle, ChipStyle? hoveredStyle, ChipStyle? focusedStyle, ChipStyle? pressedStyle, bool? mergeResolved})
Create a DrivenChipStyle with default value for filled style.
DrivenChipStyle.from(ChipStyle? enabled, {ChipStyle? selectedStyle, ChipStyle? focusedStyle, ChipStyle? hoveredStyle, ChipStyle? pressedStyle, ChipStyle? disabledStyle, bool? mergeResolved})
Create a DrivenChipStyle with value from another ChipStyle.
DrivenChipStyle.outlined({Color? color, SheetSeverity? severity, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Clip? clipBehavior, bool? overlayDisabled, Color? overlayColor, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTint, double? elevation, TextStyle? foregroundStyle, double? foregroundOpacity, int? foregroundAlpha, double? foregroundSpacing, bool? foregroundLoosen, bool? foregroundExpanded, CrossAxisAlignment? foregroundAlign, MainAxisAlignment? foregroundJustify, Color? backgroundColor, double? backgroundOpacity, int? backgroundAlpha, double? borderOpacity, int? borderAlpha, double? borderWidth, BorderRadius? borderRadius, BorderStyle? borderStyle = BorderStyle.solid, Color? iconColor, double? iconOpacity, double? iconSize, Color? checkmarkColor, double? checkmarkSize, double? checkmarkWeight, StrokeStyle? checkmarkStyle, AvatarStyle? avatarStyle, ChipStyle? selectedStyle, ChipStyle? disabledStyle, ChipStyle? hoveredStyle, ChipStyle? focusedStyle, ChipStyle? pressedStyle, bool? mergeResolved})
Create a DrivenChipStyle with default value for outlined style.
DrivenChipStyle.resolver(DrivenPropertyResolver<ChipStyle?> resolver, {bool? mergeResolved = false})
Create a DrivenChipStyle from a resolver callback
DrivenChipStyle.tonal({Color? color, SheetSeverity? severity, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Clip? clipBehavior, bool? overlayDisabled, Color? overlayColor, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTint, double? elevation, TextStyle? foregroundStyle, double? foregroundOpacity, int? foregroundAlpha, double? foregroundSpacing, bool? foregroundLoosen, bool? foregroundExpanded, CrossAxisAlignment? foregroundAlign, MainAxisAlignment? foregroundJustify, double? backgroundOpacity, int? backgroundAlpha, Color? borderColor, double? borderOpacity, int? borderAlpha, double? borderWidth, BorderRadius? borderRadius, BorderStyle? borderStyle = BorderStyle.none, Color? iconColor, double? iconOpacity, double? iconSize, Color? checkmarkColor, double? checkmarkSize, double? checkmarkWeight, StrokeStyle? checkmarkStyle, AvatarStyle? avatarStyle, ChipStyle? selectedStyle, ChipStyle? disabledStyle, ChipStyle? hoveredStyle, ChipStyle? focusedStyle, ChipStyle? pressedStyle, bool? mergeResolved})
Create a DrivenChipStyle with default value for toned style.


alignment Alignment?
Align the child within the sheet.
avatarStyle AvatarStyle?
The style to be applied to the avatar
backgroundAlpha int?
Alpha to be apply to backgroundColor.
backgroundColor Color?
Color to be used for the sheet's background.
backgroundOpacity double?
Opacity to be apply to backgroundColor.
borderAlpha int?
Alpha to be apply to borderColor.
borderColor Color?
Color to be used for the sheet's border.
borderOpacity double?
Opacity to be apply to borderColor.
borderRadius BorderRadius?
The radii for each corner of the sheet's border.
borderStyle BorderStyle?
The style of this side of the sheet's border.
borderWidth double?
The width of this side of the sheet's border, in logical pixels.
checkmarkColor Color?
The Color to be apply to the checkmark.
checkmarkSize double?
Defaults to ChipStyle.defaultCheckmarkSize.
checkmarkStyle StrokeStyle?
Defaults to
checkmarkWeight double?
Stroke width of the checkmark.
clipBehavior Clip?
The sheet's content will be clipped (or not) according to this option.
disabledStyle ChipStyle?
The style to be resolved when events includes WidgetEvent.disabled.
driven Map<WidgetEvent, ChipStyle?>
Map of driven style, order matters
no setter
elevation double?
The sheet's z-coordinate relative to the parent at which to place this physical object.
focusedStyle ChipStyle?
The style to be resolved when events includes WidgetEvent.focused.
foregroundAlign CrossAxisAlignment?
Cross axis alignment of the foreground widget
foregroundAlpha int?
Alpha to be apply to foregroundColor.
foregroundColor Color?
The color to be applied to the sheet's label, and icon
foregroundExpanded bool?
Whether the foreground widget is expanded or not
foregroundJustify MainAxisAlignment?
Main axis alignment of the foreground widget
foregroundLoosen bool?
Whether the spacing is forced to child with no leading or trailing.
foregroundOpacity double?
Opacity to be apply to foregroundColor.
foregroundSpacing double?
How much space to place between sheet's foreground widget in a run in the main axis.
foregroundStyle TextStyle?
The style to be applied to the sheet's label.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height double?
The vertical extent of the sheet widget.
hoveredStyle ChipStyle?
The style to be resolved when events includes WidgetEvent.hovered.
iconColor Color?
Color to be used for the icon's inside the sheet.
iconOpacity double?
Opacity to be apply to iconColor.
iconSize double?
The size of the icon's inside the sheet, in logical pixels.
isElevated bool
Whether or not this is elevated variant
no setterinherited
isFilled bool
Whether or not this is filled variant
no setterinherited
isOutlined bool
Whether or not this is outlined variant
no setterinherited
isText bool
Whether or not this is text variant
no setterinherited
isTonal bool
Whether or not this is tonal variant
no setterinherited
margin EdgeInsetsGeometry?
Empty space to surround the outside sheet.
mergeResolved bool?
Whether the resolved style is merged to the previous resolved style or not
overlayColor Color?
Defines the overlay colors.
overlayDisabled bool?
Whether the overlay is disabled or not
padding EdgeInsetsGeometry?
The padding between the contents of the sheet and the outside sheet.
pressedStyle ChipStyle?
The style to be resolved when events includes WidgetEvent.pressed.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectedStyle ChipStyle?
The style to be resolved when events includes WidgetEvent.selected.
severity SheetSeverity?
Type of the sheet severity
shadowColor Color?
When elevation is non zero the color to use for the sheet's shadow color.
shape BoxShape?
The type of shape.
surfaceTint Color?
The color used as an overlay on color to indicate elevation.
variant SheetVariant?
Type of the sheet variant
width double?
The horizontal extent of the sheet widget.


copyWith({ChipVariant? variant, ChipSeverity? severity, double? width, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, Alignment? alignment, Clip? clipBehavior, bool? overlayDisabled, Color? overlayColor, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTint, double? elevation, TextStyle? foregroundStyle, Color? foregroundColor, double? foregroundOpacity, int? foregroundAlpha, double? foregroundSpacing, bool? foregroundLoosen, bool? foregroundExpanded, CrossAxisAlignment? foregroundAlign, MainAxisAlignment? foregroundJustify, Color? backgroundColor, double? backgroundOpacity, int? backgroundAlpha, Color? borderColor, double? borderOpacity, int? borderAlpha, double? borderWidth, BorderRadius? borderRadius, BorderStyle? borderStyle, BoxShape? shape, Color? iconColor, double? iconOpacity, double? iconSize, AvatarStyle? avatarStyle, Color? checkmarkColor, double? checkmarkSize, double? checkmarkWeight, StrokeStyle? checkmarkStyle, bool? mergeResolved, ChipStyle? selectedStyle, ChipStyle? disabledStyle, ChipStyle? hoveredStyle, ChipStyle? focusedStyle, ChipStyle? pressedStyle}) DrivenChipStyle
Creates a copy of this DrivenChipStyle but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node.
merge(covariant ChipStyle? other) ChipStyle
Creates a copy of this ChipStyle but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
resolve(Set<WidgetEvent> events) ChipStyle
Returns a value of type T that depends on events.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toMap() Map<String, dynamic>
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel =}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringShort() String
A brief description of this object, usually just the runtimeType and the hashCode.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

evaluate(ChipStyle? value, Set<WidgetEvent> events) ChipStyle?
Resolves the value for the given set of events if value is an event driven ChipStyle, otherwise returns the value itself.