waitForLogin function

Future waitForLogin(
  1. WpClientInterface wpClient, {
  2. required dynamic onQrCode(
    1. String qrCodeUrl,
    2. Uint8List? qrCodeImage
  3. int waitDurationSeconds = 60,
  4. dynamic onConnectionEvent(
    1. ConnectionEvent

waitForLogin will either complete with successful login or failed with timeout exception this method will automatically try to get the qrCode also it will make sure that we get the latest qrCode


Future waitForLogin(
  WpClientInterface wpClient, {
  required Function(String qrCodeUrl, Uint8List? qrCodeImage)? onQrCode,
  int waitDurationSeconds = 60,
  Function(ConnectionEvent)? onConnectionEvent,
}) async {
  WhatsappLogger.log('Waiting page load');

  WhatsappLogger.log('Checking is logged...');
  WppAuth wppAuth = WppAuth(wpClient);

  bool authenticated = await wppAuth.isAuthenticated();

  if (!authenticated) {

    WhatsappLogger.log('Waiting for QRCode Scan...');

    await waitForQrCodeScan(
      wpClient: wpClient,
      onCatchQR: (QrCodeImage qrCodeImage, int attempt) {
        if (qrCodeImage.base64Image != null && qrCodeImage.urlCode != null) {
          Uint8List? imageBytes;
          try {
            String? base64Image = qrCodeImage.base64Image
                ?.replaceFirst("data:image/png;base64,", "");
            imageBytes = base64Decode(base64Image!);
          } catch (e) {
          onQrCode?.call(qrCodeImage.urlCode!, imageBytes);
      waitDurationSeconds: waitDurationSeconds,

    WhatsappLogger.log('Checking QRCode status...');

    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 200));

    authenticated = await wppAuth.isAuthenticated();

    if (authenticated) {

      await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 200));
      WhatsappLogger.log('Checking phone is connected...');

      bool inChat = await _waitForInChat(wpClient);
      if (!inChat) {
        WhatsappLogger.log('Phone not connected');
        throw 'Phone not connected';

      WhatsappLogger.log('Connected successfully');
    } else {
      throw 'Login Failed';
  } else {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 200));
    WhatsappLogger.log('Checking phone is connected...');

    bool inChat = await _waitForInChat(wpClient);
    if (!inChat) {
      WhatsappLogger.log('Phone not connected');
      throw 'Phone not connected';
    WhatsappLogger.log('Connected successfully');