woi_widgets library

The all in one library to access all of the widgets


The stepper have multiple variations and one of them include the Icon variation This model helps in defining the style for the icons in all 3 states.
This style model is used to customize the stepper states that are completed active and inactive. You can change the styles for the items based on the states.
This model class is used to help define the suffix widget along with its states in all three states.
The WOIBarGraph is a simple and easy to use bar graph which can be modified to be used as a histogram as well.
This style class is used to style the WOITextButton This has all of the properties to change the appearance of the button
A widget that gives you option to toggle between 2 values as a checkBox
The WOICountdowns is a circular timer widget that has an optional initial pre timer loading timer. Here is an example for the timer
The WOICountdownTimer is a fully customizable digital timer.
The WOICurvedBar is an arc shape progress bar
A square button with the Icon in center the border radius of the button can be changed making it to the circular button by providing specific value to borderRadius variable Here is how you can use the widget:
WOILineGraph is a simple and easy to use line graph widget.
A button that is tilt from sides and accept a Text in the center
A widget that gives you option to toggle between 2 values as a radio button
This is a variation of the progress bar called a section bar. The WOISectionBar can be divided into multiple different sections that jointly tracks the progress and completion of a single task. Each section as defined by the user can track the progress of all hierarchical steps needed to achieve a goal. The section bar takes width and a list called sections as required parameters. Sections can not contain a value of 0 and currentProgress cannot be greater that the sum of all elements in the section list.
The is the stepper widget that has multiple variations based enwrapped in multiple constructor.
A widget that gives you option to toggle and switch between two sides
If you want to explore the full extent of the WOISwitchButton then we have the active and inactive states for the swtich as well which you can change using the following model by providing the value for the activeSwitchStyle and inActiveSwitchStyle fields while both of them accepts the WOISwitchStyleModel type value which is a custom model for styling of the widget
The WOITextBar is a progress bar variation that has a text depicting progress which fills up based on the progress value.
A simple text button that can be used as a capsule or rectangular button
A text field following material design
A style class for decorating different states for the WOITextField


This is to define the direction of the Arc to be created. By default the direction is ArcDirection.up which create a normal arc. If for example the direction is changed to ArcDirection.left, it will create a C-shaped arc.
Here is the enum that is used to set states for the WOITextField widget
This defines the tilt side for it to be on the right or left side