exposeDevToolsProtocol method

  1. @experimental
Future<WipResponse> exposeDevToolsProtocol(
  1. String targetId, {
  2. String? bindingName,

Inject object to the target's main frame that provides a communication channel with browser target. Injected object will be available as window[bindingName]. The object has the following API:

  • binding.send(json) - a method to send messages over the remote debugging protocol
  • binding.onmessage = json => handleMessage(json) - a callback that will be called for the protocol notifications and command responses.


Future<WipResponse> exposeDevToolsProtocol(
  String targetId, {
  String? bindingName,
}) {
  final Map<String, dynamic> params = {'targetId': targetId};
  if (bindingName != null) {
    params['bindingName'] = bindingName;
  return sendCommand(
    params: params,