callFunctionOn method

Future<RemoteObject> callFunctionOn(
  1. String functionDeclaration, {
  2. String? objectId,
  3. List? arguments,
  4. bool? returnByValue,
  5. int? executionContextId,

Calls function with given declaration on the given object. Object group of the result is inherited from the target object.

Each element in arguments must be either a RemoteObject or a primitive object (int, String, double, bool).


Future<RemoteObject> callFunctionOn(
  String functionDeclaration, {
  String? objectId,
  List<dynamic>? arguments,
  bool? returnByValue,
  int? executionContextId,
}) async {
  Map<String, dynamic> params = {
    'functionDeclaration': functionDeclaration,
  if (objectId != null) {
    params['objectId'] = objectId;
  if (returnByValue != null) {
    params['returnByValue'] = returnByValue;
  if (executionContextId != null) {
    params['executionContextId'] = executionContextId;
  if (arguments != null) {
    // Convert a list of RemoteObjects and primitive values to CallArguments.
    params['arguments'] = value) {
      if (value is RemoteObject) {
        return {'objectId': value.objectId};
      } else {
        return {'value': value};

  final WipResponse response =
      await sendCommand('Runtime.callFunctionOn', params: params);

  if (response.result!.containsKey('exceptionDetails')) {
    throw ExceptionDetails(
        response.result!['exceptionDetails'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
  } else {
    return RemoteObject(response.result!['result'] as Map<String, dynamic>);