RenderStyle class abstract

The abstract class for render-style, declare the getter interface for all available CSS rule.





alignContent AlignContent
no setter
alignItems AlignItems
no setter
alignSelf AlignSelf
no setter
animationDelay List<String>
no setter
animationDirection List<String>
no setter
animationDuration List<String>
no setter
animationFillMode List<String>
no setter
animationIterationCount List<String>
no setter
animationName List<String>
no setter
animationPlayState List<String>
no setter
animationTimingFunction List<String>
no setter
aspectRatio double?
no setter
backgroundAttachment CSSBackgroundAttachmentType?
no setter
backgroundClip CSSBackgroundBoundary?
no setter
backgroundColor CSSColor?
no setter
backgroundImage CSSBackgroundImage?
no setter
backgroundOrigin CSSBackgroundBoundary?
no setter
backgroundPositionX CSSBackgroundPosition
no setter
backgroundPositionY CSSBackgroundPosition
no setter
backgroundRepeat CSSBackgroundRepeatType
no setter
backgroundSize CSSBackgroundSize
no setter
border EdgeInsets
no setter
borderBottomColor CSSColor
no setter
borderBottomLeftRadius CSSBorderRadius
no setter
borderBottomRightRadius CSSBorderRadius
no setter
borderBottomStyle CSSBorderStyleType
no setter
borderBottomWidth CSSLengthValue?
no setter
borderBoxHeight double?
no setter
borderBoxLogicalHeight double?
no setter
borderBoxLogicalWidth double?
no setter
borderBoxWidth double?
no setter
borderLeftColor CSSColor
no setter
borderLeftStyle CSSBorderStyleType
no setter
borderLeftWidth CSSLengthValue?
no setter
borderRadius List<Radius>?
no setter
borderRightColor CSSColor
no setter
borderRightStyle CSSBorderStyleType
no setter
borderRightWidth CSSLengthValue?
no setter
borderSides List<BorderSide>?
no setter
borderTopColor CSSColor
no setter
borderTopLeftRadius CSSBorderRadius
no setter
borderTopRightRadius CSSBorderRadius
no setter
borderTopStyle CSSBorderStyleType
no setter
borderTopWidth CSSLengthValue?
no setter
bottom CSSLengthValue
no setter
caretColor Color?
no setter
color CSSColor
no setter
colorFilter ColorFilter?
no setter
contentBoxHeight double?
no setter
contentBoxLogicalHeight double?
no setter
contentBoxLogicalWidth double?
no setter
contentBoxWidth double?
no setter
contentMaxConstraintsWidth double
no setter
contentVisibility ContentVisibility
no setter
currentColor CSSColor
no setter
currentFlutterView FlutterView
no setter
cx CSSLengthValue
no setter
cy CSSLengthValue
no setter
d CSSPath
no setter
display CSSDisplay
no setter
effectiveBorderBottomWidth CSSLengthValue
no setter
effectiveBorderLeftWidth CSSLengthValue
no setter
effectiveBorderRightWidth CSSLengthValue
no setter
effectiveBorderTopWidth CSSLengthValue
no setter
effectiveDisplay CSSDisplay
no setter
effectiveOverflowX CSSOverflowType
no setter
effectiveOverflowY CSSOverflowType
no setter
effectiveTransformMatrix Matrix4?
no setter
effectiveTransformScale double
no setter
fill CSSPaint
no setter
fillRule → CSSFillRule
no setter
filter List<CSSFunctionalNotation>?
no setter
flexBasis CSSLengthValue?
no setter
flexDirection FlexDirection
no setter
flexGrow double
no setter
flexShrink double
no setter
flexWrap FlexWrap
no setter
fontFamily List<String>?
no setter
fontSize CSSLengthValue
no setter
fontStyle FontStyle
no setter
fontWeight FontWeight
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
height CSSLengthValue
no setter
imageFilter ImageFilter?
no setter
intrinsicHeight double
no setter
intrinsicWidth double
no setter
isHeightStretch bool
no setter
justifyContent JustifyContent
no setter
left CSSLengthValue
no setter
letterSpacing CSSLengthValue?
no setter
lineClamp int?
no setter
lineHeight CSSLengthValue
no setter
margin EdgeInsets
no setter
marginBottom CSSLengthValue
no setter
marginLeft CSSLengthValue
no setter
marginRight CSSLengthValue
no setter
marginTop CSSLengthValue
no setter
maxHeight CSSLengthValue
no setter
maxWidth CSSLengthValue
no setter
minHeight CSSLengthValue
no setter
minWidth CSSLengthValue
no setter
objectFit BoxFit
no setter
objectPosition Alignment
no setter
opacity double
no setter
overflowX CSSOverflowType
no setter
overflowY CSSOverflowType
no setter
padding EdgeInsets
no setter
paddingBottom CSSLengthValue
no setter
paddingBoxHeight double?
no setter
paddingBoxLogicalHeight double?
no setter
paddingBoxLogicalWidth double?
no setter
paddingBoxWidth double?
no setter
paddingLeft CSSLengthValue
no setter
paddingRight CSSLengthValue
no setter
paddingTop CSSLengthValue
no setter
parent RenderStyle?
no setter
position CSSPositionType
no setter
r CSSLengthValue
no setter
renderBoxModel RenderBoxModel?
no setter
no setter
rootFontSize double
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
rx CSSLengthValue
no setter
ry CSSLengthValue
no setter
shadows List<WebFBoxShadow>?
no setter
sliverDirection Axis
no setter
stroke CSSPaint
no setter
strokeLinecap → CSSStrokeLinecap
no setter
strokeLinejoin → CSSStrokeLinejoin
no setter
strokeWidth CSSLengthValue
no setter
target Element
no setter
textAlign TextAlign
no setter
textOverflow TextOverflow
no setter
textShadow List<Shadow>?
no setter
top CSSLengthValue
no setter
transform List<CSSFunctionalNotation>?
no setter
transformOrigin CSSOrigin
no setter
transitionDelay List<String>
no setter
transitionDuration List<String>
no setter
transitionProperty List<String>
no setter
transitionTimingFunction List<String>
no setter
verticalAlign VerticalAlign
no setter
viewportSize Size
no setter
visibility Visibility
no setter
whiteSpace WhiteSpace
no setter
width CSSLengthValue
no setter
wordSpacing CSSLengthValue?
no setter
x CSSLengthValue
no setter
x1 CSSLengthValue
no setter
x2 CSSLengthValue
no setter
y CSSLengthValue
no setter
y1 CSSLengthValue
no setter
y2 CSSLengthValue
no setter
zIndex int?
no setter


addColorRelativeProperty(String propertyName) → void
addFontRelativeProperty(String propertyName) → void
addRootFontRelativeProperty(String propertyName) → void
getCSSVariable(String identifier, String propertyName) → dynamic
getHeightByAspectRatio() double
getProperty(String key) → dynamic
getWidthByAspectRatio() double
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
resolveValue(String property, String present) → dynamic
Resolve the style value.
setCSSVariable(String identifier, String value) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
visitChildren<T extends RenderStyle>(RenderStyleVisitor<T> visitor) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.