RenderStyle class abstract
The abstract class for render-style, declare the getter interface for all available CSS rule.
- Implementers
- CSSBackgroundMixin
- CSSBorderMixin
- CSSBorderRadiusMixin
- CSSBoxMixin
- CSSBoxShadowMixin
- CSSContentVisibilityMixin
- CSSDisplayMixin
- CSSFilterEffectsMixin
- CSSFlexboxMixin
- CSSInlineMixin
- CSSInputMixin
- CSSMarginMixin
- CSSObjectFitMixin
- CSSObjectPositionMixin
- CSSOpacityMixin
- CSSOverflowMixin
- CSSPaddingMixin
- CSSPositionMixin
- CSSRenderStyle
- CSSSizingMixin
- CSSSliverMixin
- CSSTextMixin
- CSSTransformMixin
- CSSTransitionMixin
- CSSVariableMixin
- CSSVisibilityMixin
- alignContent → AlignContent
no setter
- alignItems → AlignItems
no setter
- alignSelf → AlignSelf
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
- aspectRatio → double?
no setter
- backgroundAttachment → CSSBackgroundAttachmentType?
no setter
- backgroundClip → CSSBackgroundBoundary?
no setter
- backgroundColor → CSSColor?
no setter
- backgroundImage → CSSBackgroundImage?
no setter
- backgroundOrigin → CSSBackgroundBoundary?
no setter
- backgroundPositionX → CSSBackgroundPosition
no setter
- backgroundPositionY → CSSBackgroundPosition
no setter
- backgroundRepeat → CSSBackgroundRepeatType
no setter
- backgroundSize → CSSBackgroundSize
no setter
- border → EdgeInsets
no setter
- borderBottomColor → CSSColor
no setter
- borderBottomLeftRadius → CSSBorderRadius
no setter
- borderBottomRightRadius → CSSBorderRadius
no setter
- borderBottomStyle → CSSBorderStyleType
no setter
- borderBottomWidth → CSSLengthValue?
no setter
- borderBoxHeight → double?
no setter
- borderBoxLogicalHeight → double?
no setter
- borderBoxLogicalWidth → double?
no setter
- borderBoxWidth → double?
no setter
- borderLeftColor → CSSColor
no setter
- borderLeftStyle → CSSBorderStyleType
no setter
- borderLeftWidth → CSSLengthValue?
no setter
→ List<
Radius> ? -
no setter
- borderRightColor → CSSColor
no setter
- borderRightStyle → CSSBorderStyleType
no setter
- borderRightWidth → CSSLengthValue?
no setter
→ List<
BorderSide> ? -
no setter
- borderTopColor → CSSColor
no setter
- borderTopLeftRadius → CSSBorderRadius
no setter
- borderTopRightRadius → CSSBorderRadius
no setter
- borderTopStyle → CSSBorderStyleType
no setter
- borderTopWidth → CSSLengthValue?
no setter
- bottom → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- caretColor → Color?
no setter
- color → CSSColor
no setter
- colorFilter → ColorFilter?
no setter
- contentBoxHeight → double?
no setter
- contentBoxLogicalHeight → double?
no setter
- contentBoxLogicalWidth → double?
no setter
- contentBoxWidth → double?
no setter
- contentMaxConstraintsWidth → double
no setter
- contentVisibility → ContentVisibility
no setter
- currentColor → CSSColor
no setter
- currentFlutterView → FlutterView
no setter
- cx → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- cy → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- d → CSSPath
no setter
- display → CSSDisplay
no setter
- effectiveBorderBottomWidth → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- effectiveBorderLeftWidth → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- effectiveBorderRightWidth → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- effectiveBorderTopWidth → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- effectiveDisplay → CSSDisplay
no setter
- effectiveOverflowX → CSSOverflowType
no setter
- effectiveOverflowY → CSSOverflowType
no setter
- effectiveTransformMatrix → Matrix4?
no setter
- effectiveTransformScale → double
no setter
- fill → CSSPaint
no setter
- fillRule → CSSFillRule
no setter
→ List<
CSSFunctionalNotation> ? -
no setter
- flexBasis → CSSLengthValue?
no setter
- flexDirection → FlexDirection
no setter
- flexGrow → double
no setter
- flexShrink → double
no setter
- flexWrap → FlexWrap
no setter
→ List<
String> ? -
no setter
- fontSize → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- fontStyle → FontStyle
no setter
- fontWeight → FontWeight
no setter
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- height → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- imageFilter → ImageFilter?
no setter
- intrinsicHeight → double
no setter
- intrinsicWidth → double
no setter
- isHeightStretch → bool
no setter
- justifyContent → JustifyContent
no setter
- left → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- letterSpacing → CSSLengthValue?
no setter
- lineClamp → int?
no setter
- lineHeight → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- margin → EdgeInsets
no setter
- marginBottom → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- marginLeft → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- marginRight → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- marginTop → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- maxHeight → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- maxWidth → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- minHeight → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- minWidth → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- objectFit → BoxFit
no setter
- objectPosition → Alignment
no setter
- opacity → double
no setter
- overflowX → CSSOverflowType
no setter
- overflowY → CSSOverflowType
no setter
- padding → EdgeInsets
no setter
- paddingBottom → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- paddingBoxHeight → double?
no setter
- paddingBoxLogicalHeight → double?
no setter
- paddingBoxLogicalWidth → double?
no setter
- paddingBoxWidth → double?
no setter
- paddingLeft → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- paddingRight → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- paddingTop → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- parent → RenderStyle?
no setter
- position → CSSPositionType
no setter
- r → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- renderBoxModel → RenderBoxModel?
no setter
- right → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- rootFontSize → double
no setter
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- rx → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- ry → CSSLengthValue
no setter
→ List<
WebFBoxShadow> ? -
no setter
- sliverDirection → Axis
no setter
- stroke → CSSPaint
no setter
- strokeLinecap → CSSStrokeLinecap
no setter
- strokeLinejoin → CSSStrokeLinejoin
no setter
- strokeWidth → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- target → Element
no setter
- textAlign → TextAlign
no setter
- textOverflow → TextOverflow
no setter
→ List<
Shadow> ? -
no setter
- top → CSSLengthValue
no setter
→ List<
CSSFunctionalNotation> ? -
no setter
- transformOrigin → CSSOrigin
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
→ List<
String> -
no setter
- verticalAlign → VerticalAlign
no setter
- viewportSize → Size
no setter
- visibility → Visibility
no setter
- whiteSpace → WhiteSpace
no setter
- width → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- wordSpacing → CSSLengthValue?
no setter
- x → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- x1 → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- x2 → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- y → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- y1 → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- y2 → CSSLengthValue
no setter
- zIndex → int?
no setter
String propertyName) → void -
String propertyName) → void -
String propertyName) → void -
String identifier, String propertyName) → dynamic -
) → double -
String key) → dynamic -
) → double -
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
String property, String present) → dynamic - Resolve the style value.
String identifier, String value) → void -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
T extends RenderStyle> (RenderStyleVisitor< T> visitor) → void
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.