sendEmail static method

Future<bool> sendEmail({
  1. required String from,
  2. String fromName = '',
  3. String host = 'localhost',
  4. int port = 1025,
  5. required List<String> to,
  6. String subject = '',
  7. String html = '',
  8. String text = '',
  9. String? password,
  10. String? username,
  11. bool ssl = true,
  12. bool allowInsecure = true,

Sends an email using the specified parameters.

The sendEmail method sends an email using the SMTP protocol. It supports HTML and plain text formats, and allows you to configure various email properties like sender address, recipients, subject, and more.

Example usage:

bool success = await MailSender.sendEmail(
  from: '',
  fromName: 'Sender Name',
  host: '',
  port: 587,
  to: [''],
  subject: 'Test Email',
  html: '<h1>Hello, World!</h1>',
  text: 'Hello, World!',
  username: 'smtp-username',
  password: 'smtp-password',
  ssl: true,
  allowInsecure: false,

if (success) {
  print('Email sent successfully!');
} else {
  print('Failed to send email.');

Returns true if the email is sent successfully, otherwise returns false.


  • from: The sender's email address. (required)
  • fromName: The name displayed as the sender (optional, defaults to an empty string).
  • host: The SMTP server host (optional, defaults to 'localhost').
  • port: The SMTP server port (optional, defaults to 1025).
  • to: A list of recipient email addresses. (required)
  • subject: The email subject (optional, defaults to an empty string).
  • html: The email body in HTML format (optional, defaults to an empty string).
  • text: The email body in plain text format (optional, defaults to an empty string).
  • password: The SMTP server password (optional).
  • username: The SMTP server username (optional).
  • ssl: Whether to use SSL/TLS for the SMTP connection (optional, defaults to true).
  • allowInsecure: Whether to allow insecure connections if SSL is disabled (optional, defaults to true).

Throws a MailerException if the email fails to send.


static Future<bool> sendEmail({
  required String from,
  String fromName = '',
  String host = 'localhost',
  int port = 1025,
  required List<String> to,
  String subject = '',
  String html = '',
  String text = '',
  String? password,
  String? username,
  bool ssl = true,
  bool allowInsecure = true,
}) async {
  // Set up SMTP server credentials for Mailcatcher.
  final smtpServer = SmtpServer(
    port: port,
    ssl: ssl,
    allowInsecure: allowInsecure,
    password: password,
    username: username,

  // Create a new email message.
  final message = Message()
    ..from = Address(from, fromName)
    ..recipients = to
    ..subject = subject
    ..text = text
    ..html = html;

  try {
    // Send the email using the SMTP server.
    await send(message, smtpServer);
    return true;
  } catch (e) {
    Console.e('Message not sent: ${e.toString()}');

  return false;