WebRequest class

The WebRequest class handles HTTP requests and provides various methods for processing, routing, and responding to client requests. It includes methods for parsing request data, managing sessions, handling cookies, rendering views, redirecting, and more.


WebRequest(HttpRequest _rq)
Constructor to initialize the WebRequest with the given HttpRequest.


assetManager AssetManager
Manages assets like JavaScript and CSS for rendering.
authorization Authorization
currently it just support the Basic Authentication You can develop the Authorization class.
no setter
cookies List<Cookie>
Provides access to the list of cookies included in the request.
no setter
cssRenderId String
CSS render ID for asset management.
getter/setter pair
dataJsId String
Data JavaScript render ID for asset management.
getter/setter pair
endpoint String
Gets the current endpoint, normalized for slashes.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers HttpHeaders
Provides access to the HTTP headers included in the request.
no setter
host String
Retrieves the current hostname from the request URI.
no setter
httpRequest HttpRequest
Provides access to the underlying HttpRequest.
no setter
isApiEndpoint bool
Checks if the current endpoint starts with 'api/'.
no setter
isClosed bool
Indicates whether the response has been closed.
getter/setter pair
jsRenderId String
JavaScript render ID for asset management.
getter/setter pair
method String
Provides access to the HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST) used in the request.
no setter
port int
no setter
response HttpResponse
Provides access to the response associated with the request.
no setter
route WebRoute?
The route associated with the request, if any.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
session HttpSession
Provides access to the session associated with the request.
no setter
stream HttpRequest
Provides access to the request stream.
no setter
uri Uri
Provides access to the URI of the request.
no setter


addAsset(Asset asset) AssetManager
Adds a single asset to the asset manager.
addAssets(List<Asset> assets) AssetManager
Adds a list of assets to the asset manager.
addCookie(String key, String value, {Duration? duration, bool safe = true}) → dynamic
Adds or updates a cookie in the response.
addParam(String key, Object? param) WebRequest
Adds a single parameter to the request.
addParams(Map<String, Object?> params) WebRequest
Adds multiple parameters to the request.
addSession(String key, Object value) → dynamic
Adds a value to the session.
addValidator(String formName, Map<String, dynamic> validator) → void
Adds a validator for a specific form.
changeLanguege(String ln) → void
Changes the language based on the given language code ln.
checkForm([String? name]) bool
Validates a form submission by checking the hidden form key and timestamp.
data(String key, {String def = ''}) String
Retrieves the value associated with key from the request data.
dataObject(String key, {dynamic def}) → dynamic
Retrieves the value associated with key as an object from the request data.
dataType<T>(String key, {T? def}) → T
Retrieves the value associated with key from the request data, cast to type T.
dump(dynamic object) Future<String>
formChecker({String? name, bool inputHtml = true}) String
Generates a form checker hidden input field or a random key for form validation.
generateRandomString([int length = 8]) String
Generates a random alphanumeric string of a specified length.
get<T>(String key, {T? def}) → T
Retrieves the value of key cast to type T. Supports type-specific operations.
getAllData() Map
Retrieves all parsed request data including GET, POST, and FILE data.
getAllSession() Object
Retrieves all session-related data.
getAssets() List<Asset>
Retrieves the list of assets currently managed by the asset manager.
getCookie(String key, {String def = '', bool safe = true}) String
Retrieves a cookie value from the request.
getFile(String key) → dynamic
Retrieves file data associated with key from the request.
getGlobalEvents() Map<String, Object?>
Retrieves global events and parameters for rendering.
getHeaderFormData() Future<Map>
Retrieves form data from a multipart/form-data request.
getIP() String
Retrieves the client's IP address from the request headers or connection information.
getLanguage() String
Retrieves the current language based on URI, session, or settings.
getParam(String key, {Object? def}) Object?
Retrieves the value of a parameter.
getParams() Map<String, dynamic>
Retrieves all parameters as a map.
getSession(String key, {Object? def = ''}) Object
Retrieves a session value.
getValidator() Map<String, Object?>
Retrieves the validators map.
hasData(String key) bool
Checks if key exists in the request data.
hasDataValue(String key) bool
Checks if key exists and has a non-empty value in the request data.
hasParam(String key) bool
Checks if a parameter exists.
init() Future<WebRequest>
Initializes the request by setting response headers and parsing data.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onClose(String layout) String
Handles tasks to be performed before closing the response.
parseData() Future<Map>
Parses and returns request data from GET, POST, and file fields.
redirect(String path, {int status = HttpStatus.movedTemporarily, bool checkApiPath = true}) Future<String>
Redirects the response to the given path.
redirectNextUri(Uri uri, {int status = HttpStatus.movedTemporarily, bool checkApiPath = true}) Future<String>
Redirects the response to the given URI and waits for the redirect to complete.
redirectUri(Uri uri, {int status = HttpStatus.movedTemporarily, bool checkApiPath = true}) Future<String>
Redirects the response to the given URI.
removeCookie(String key) → void
Removes a cookie by setting its value to an empty string and expiration to a past date.
removeParam(String key) WebRequest
Removes a parameter from the request.
render({required String path, Map<String, Object?> viewParams = const {}, bool isFile = true, bool toData = false, int status = 200}) Future<String>
Renders a template with the given parameters and configuration.
renderData({required Map<String, Object?> data, int status = 200}) Future<String>
Renders a map of data as JSON and sends it in the response.
renderDataParam({int status = 200, Map<String, Object?> data = const {}}) Future<String>
Handles rendering of data with additional parameters and status code.
renderError(int status, {Map<String, Object?> params = const {}, String message = '', bool toData = false}) Future<String>
Renders an error view with the specified status and parameters.
renderHtml({required String html, int status = 200}) Future<String>
Renders an HTML response.
renderListData({required List<Map<String, Object?>> data, int status = 200}) Future<String>
Renders a list of data as JSON and sends it in the response.
renderSocket() String
Renders a socket request. Currently, this method only returns a string. this mean it will make a fake string to wait for socket response.
renderString({required String text, int status = 200, ContentType? contentType}) Future<String>
Renders a plain text response.
renderView({required String path, int status = 200, bool isFile = true, bool toData = false, Map<String, dynamic> data = const {}}) Future<String>
after this function everything will be stop and send to client
setSetting(Map<String, Object?> setting) → dynamic
Sets application-specific settings for the request.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
url(String subPath, {Map<String, String>? params}) String
Constructs a full URL by combining a base URL with a subpath and optional query parameters.
writeAndClose(String layout) Future
Writes the layout to the response and closes it.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](String key) String
Overloads the index operator to return the value for key using data.

Static Properties

localEvents Map<String, Object>
Local events map for testing purposes.